Only Six Weeks Left To Get Your Oil Tanker Across The Ice-Free Arctic


The ice is the thinnest, rottenest and least extensive in human history.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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37 Responses to Only Six Weeks Left To Get Your Oil Tanker Across The Ice-Free Arctic

  1. Andy WeissDC says:

    It looks like Bret, the first North Pole landfalling hurricane is moving back out to sea. It is expected to rapidly intensify over the broiling hot waters of the Arctic Ocean.

  2. arctic io says:

    > The ice is the thinnest, rottenest and least extensive in human history.

    Steven, do you claim copyright?

    • OMG. The Arctic is doomed by all that surface melt which microwave sensors can’t distinguish from open water. Do you have difficulty believing your own eyes?

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        Yes, they can distinguish open water from ice. Also, the PIPS method that you use, If I’m not mistaken, also uses microwaves. But then, what would I know?

        As for ponding, that’s somewhat of a legitimate issue. Nevertheless, it works against you because ponding, other than suggesting that the situation is really warm; has the nasty habit of melting through ice. That means more disintegration which creates rotten ice, that is, in turn, more susceptible to melt the following summer.

        As far as “eyes” are concerned, Steve, there are quite a few of them who live in the region and could tell you what’s going on. These “eyes” do not need satellites. Some “eyes” have actually plowed through the rotten ice (eg the Amundsen 2009) and watched 10 kilometer ice floes disintegrate before their very …ah…eyes.

        Some “eyes” have actually walked the ice (don’t you love puns?)and have seen how the arctic is disintegrating.

        And why do you even bother to post ice thickness images, including PIOMAS, if they’re as ineffective as you say?

    • Dave says:

      Were those eyes there checking arctic melt 5,000 years ago? National Geographic didn’t exist back then to alert the world to a “crisis”.

  3. Ill wind blowing says:

    Brian; I will respond to your question concerning the mechanism of Arctic ice loss sometime later. I’m a bit tied up now.

  4. Me says:

    Good buddy? or aberrant? You had a change of ways or is this you from the start?

  5. Brian G Valentine says:

    No ya gotta call Peter Cottontail. He knows every single denialist lie there ever was, he’ll fix it.

  6. Me says:

    So it’s both then. got it.

  7. Brian G Valentine says:

    I did like Bon Scott.

    That was in the days before rock stars were puling Al Gore acolytes.

    That was in he days before global warming existed

  8. Dave says:

    Did the NY Times give as much air time to this press release as they do to hysteria over the north pole melting?

  9. Ill wind blowing says:

    Brian G Valentine says:
    July 22, 2011 at 5:28 am
    “Denialism is the gold standard of science. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a fraud.

    Right, Ill?”

    That depends on what you’re denying.

    PS: Will be tied up for over a week, so I’m going to respond on a future ice thread.

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        All knowledge begins with a doubt. We wouldn’t have 300 years of science since Newton without it.

        The best scientists have been their own best critics, finding arguments to counter their hypotheses that no one else could think of, then answering them. They welcomed criticism.

        Pretend scientists answer critics with pronouncements of “finality,” followed by condescension and ridicule.

      • rw says:


        You’d best not peruse the history of the wave theory of light, if you want to retain your beliefs about eminent scientists.

        There were some very eminent scientists who were deriding those who proposed the wave theory. In fact, Fresnel (probably the greatest of the wave theory proponents) had trouble publishing his work for a while.

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