Ain’t summer grand!
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- conrad ziefle on President Trump : “decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
- conrad ziefle on President Trump : “decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
- conrad ziefle on Grok Explains Polar Bears
- Mike on New Plan To Rob The Citizenry
- Mike on President Trump : “decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
- arn on President Trump : “decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
- oeman50 on New Plan To Rob The Citizenry
- Richard E Fritz on New Plan To Rob The Citizenry
- Richard E Fritz on Mission Accomplished
- Francis Barnett on President Trump : “decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
At least where you are, it cools off to 63 at night. Here in DC we just barely dropped below 80 for the first time in five days during an afternoon thunderstorm. We are .5 degrees ahead of last year’s record pace with another heatwave forecast for late in the week. It’s no longer a matter of breaking last year’s record for hottest month on record, it’s just a matter of by how much.
It’s a good year to own a swimming pool.
BC weather sucks….cold here on vacation….
The cold there won’t matter to global warmers. The heat will be the only thing they will desperately cling to. No one is paying much attention to them anymore, especially since the earth has cooled slightly since 1998. Climate is cooling. It’s global warming, not region for a couple weeks warming.
“Temperatures near boiling point!”