UN Declares The Lack Of Carbon Taxes A Threat To Their Funding

The United Nations Security Council has declared that global warming is a threat to world peace and stability, in what has been greeted as a diplomatic triumph by the current council chair Germany.

The declaration means UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon will take global warming matters into account in his reports in the future. Although this in itself does not mean that specific action will be taken, it will give global warming a far greater profile.

German diplomats said they had been patient and had worked hard to get all 15 members of the Security Council – the most powerful body in the UN – to sign up to the declaration.

“The Security Council is concerned that the loss of land of small island nations from a rise in sea levels could have security policy consequences,” says the statement.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to UN Declares The Lack Of Carbon Taxes A Threat To Their Funding

  1. Michael says:

    So close down Germany.

  2. Blade says:

    Oil for Food and the AGW Hoax, the UN is behind them both.

    Nothing is more corrupt than this little cabal of bureaucrats.

    America out of the UN … UN out of America.

  3. Paul H says:

    “the loss of land of small island nations from a rise in sea levels could have security policy consequences,” says the statement.

    So who are the Maldives going to invade?

    • Justa Joe says:

      That’s what I was thinking Security for whom from what?

      I think they operating on the notion, which they contrived, that they can rope in the “right wingers” if they sell their agenda on the basis of “security” or “national defense”.

  4. Andy WeissDC says:

    If Al Gore is so dedicated to this cause, let him and the other rich hypocrites of the world fund the UN.

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    The UN’s existence is a threat to their funding.

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