Due to inflation, the government should reduce the debt by 0.3. Inflation makes the debt seem worse than it actually is (in 1931 dollars.) Holders of US bonds should be agreeable to using the 1931 monetary standard – with the 0.3 adjustment.
The CU 0.3 is a new intrinsic number, which joins ranks with Pi and e. Its name is Mj and is normally represented by this symbol.
Speaking of politics…..
Here more of the expected media bias against Michele Bachmenn:
ThinkProgress is trying to, somehow, make it look like Michele Bachmann is happy about unemployment being high only because it would help her become president:
You can watch her for yourself and see if she is happy about unemployment being high.
President Bachmann!!!
Pawlenty is attacking Bachmann.What a loser. He must be desperate since his poll numbers are getting worse. He needs to look at his legacy in Minnesota: the Minnesota government is now shout down. He should to be concerned about his handywork, i.e., take the log out of his own eye before thinking he sees a speck of sawdust in someone elses eye.
I love her. No, Really. She can be President, or anything else she wants.
White House wants “major, unambiguous tax hikes” along with raising the debt ceiling.
Even though he sees himself slipping in the polls and losing any chance of reelection President Obama just can’t stop himself from being a socialist.
Raise the dect ceiling to pay for debt solves the problem?
Borrowing to pay debt isn’t ‘debt’-debt……. huh?
It’s not “Debt” Debt. It’s Negative Amortization. It’s eating your children. It’s selling your soul.
Obama White House this week said Americans don’t pay attention to unemployment, then goes on to list things that they think Americans are feeling good about. But the list is more things Americans are not feeling good about. The White House is out of touch. I think Americans can’t wait to vote someone new into the White House.
Michele Bachmann responds to White House saying people don’t care about unemployment: “…what planet are you living on?”
If Reps cave on this debt ceiling issue and taxes (e.g. give Obama what he wants), the GOP is finished. Hello third party.