War Is Peace, Ignorance Is Strength, Freedom Is Slavery


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to War Is Peace, Ignorance Is Strength, Freedom Is Slavery

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Cold Is Hot.

    He left one out.

  2. -=Anonymous=- says:

    Hacking is to be hacked when it’s Fox New’ speaking about its owners:


  3. nofreewind says:

    This reminds me of the liberal that told me how the American auto companies are rising again because they are making cars the people want, instead of the gas guzzlers they used to. Then he drove off in a huge Toyota SUV!

    Then another one was telling me how horrible Walmart is that they sell foreign made products and put Americans out of work. Of course he has a driveway full of foreign cars and to boot he works for an American company that manufactures and item that is shipped and widely sold overseas!

  4. Al Gored says:

    “Our models always showed what is happening.”

  5. Ill wind blowing says:

    George Orwell, a Socialist, once wrote:

    “We’re at war with Eurasia. We’re at war with Eastasia.”

    Skeptics, upset about the “Death Spiral” but still clinging to faith in ‘Global Cooling’.

    “The Earth is getting cooler and it’s good for your roses and begonias that its getting warmer.”

    • GregW says:

      He may have been a socialist but at least he had communism pegged as the monstrosity it was (read Animal Farm) unlike Walter Duranty and the other dupes at the New York Times who were all agog over the Soviet paradise in the 1930’s. Or is that red baiting, which you seem to feel is very bad?

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        You’re not telling me anything I don’t know. I mentioned that fact simply to lampoon the pathological red-baiting of posters here. And no, I’m not liberal or whatever boogeyman you can conceive. 🙂

        Furthermore, why should I consider the pro Stalin leanings of many Liberals red-baiting? You’re still not telling me anything I don’t know. The red-baiting that is blatantly obvious on WUWT and this site is typical of those who have no meaningful concept of Socialism, Communism, Fascism etc ad nauseum. In their hubristic stupidity they split the world into ‘us and not us’ and then lump everyone who is not them into one single category ‘the forces of evil’. Their attitude is pure McCarthyistic psychosis.

        Besides, it’s not relevant to my post which is simply an analogy between that particular statement (paraphrased) that George Orwell made and the doublethink represented by the ‘cover all bases’ non-prediction that I presented below it.

    • GregW says:

      You may not be liberal, but you seem to be a global warming alarmist. Also the analogy you used was worthless in my view.
      1. It seems to be a fact that warm temperatures have been more helpful than harmful to mankind in ages past – longer growing seasons mean better harvests and extreme cold causes more deaths than extreme heat over all for just a couple of examples. If the earth continues to warm it may be ultimately beneficial.
      2. It also seems to be a fact that the earth hasn’t warmed significantly since 1998 and may in fact getting cooler. This is leaving aside all the issues involved with accurately measuring the temperature of a planet.
      Your inability to understand this makes me think you’re the one who is engaging in “hubristic stupidity” and suffering from a “psychosis”.

      • GregW says:

        “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
        Now that sounds like hubristic stupidity.

  6. We appreciate IWB putting “Death Spiral” in quotes to show that even she isn’t silly enough to believe the hype.

  7. Blade says:

    One reason it must suck to be a green socialist these days is that there are so many cultural references to their treason and stupidity. I like to beat them over the head with these every chance I get.

    Demolition Man

    The Matrix

    They Live


    ST:TNG Borg Episodes

    V (the original)

    Orwell :: Animal Farm

    Orwell :: 1984

    To name but a few.

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