What Happens When You Elect Leaders With No Real World Experience And No Clue?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to What Happens When You Elect Leaders With No Real World Experience And No Clue?

  1. nigelf says:

    They fundamentally change the country you love into something much less. Two fine examples pictured above.

  2. Jleon says:

    Proof that moron’s are not limited to one sex!

  3. Sundance says:

    They have alot in common. They both play from the ladies tee.

  4. Al Gored says:

    VERY interesting article about the mysterious Barack/Barry:

    The Chosen One


  5. Gator says:

    Worse. What happens when you elect ‘leaders’ who think you are stupid?

  6. ralph says:

    Birds of a feather flock together?

  7. Ill wind blowing says:

    You have Conservatives suffering from the consequences of those they elected. Starting with George Bush and ending with the Republican Congress. 🙂

  8. “What happens when you elect ‘leaders’ who think you are stupid?” Easy, we had one during the recent past. He simply doubled our debt, created an unknown monster debt for the future in public-private initiative, all his friends benefited from the money, and now we had to doube our debt again with a so-called bail-out and the IMF is ruling this thing here. Given that this isn’t the USA, we taxpayers, the common people, will have to pay that gentleman’s debt. Talk about odious debt.

  9. Justa Joe says:

    With Merkel banning nuclear power and this Australian gal trying to restrict fossil fuels in both cases due to fear we’re going to have to start looking at these female candidates much more closely.

  10. Not half a brain between the two of them.

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