Withering Stupidity And Foolishness Equals Courage

Australia’s climate changes with every ENSO shift. A little science education and history is a lot cheaper than drowning the country in taxes and mindless superstition. Even if you believe the climate models, the tax has zero impact on the weather.

Australia’s PM shows political courage on climate change

Last Sunday night, the Prime Minister of Australia went on national television.

Prime ministers in democratic countries take to the airwaves only if they have something extremely important to say. And Prime Minister Julia Gillard did. She said something inconceivable in Canada, at least under Stephen Harper’s government.

“Most Australians now agree our climate is changing,” she said. “This is caused by carbon pollution. This has harmful effects on our environment and on the economy. And the government should act.”

And act it did. Next July 1, the Australian government will put a price of $23 a tonne on carbon for the country’s 500 largest emitters. Three years later, the government will convert that tax into an emissions trading scheme, or cap-and-trade, whereby the government will mandate emission limits and let the market set the price.

At a press conference, Ms. Gillard explained her thinking: “The avalanche of science tells us our climate is changing. The science is in. We know that out planet is warming. We know that warming is changing our climate.”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Withering Stupidity And Foolishness Equals Courage

  1. dp says:

    Dear Oz,
    Send your factories and business owners to Washington State in America as we need employers and jobs. Thank you for your consideration.

    • Bruce of Newcastle says:

      You’re welcome. Is that the Washington State in America in Hubei Province or the one near Yunnan?

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        The Chinese must break out the fireworks and champagne every time the West does something like this.

        There must be dancing in the streets. They must count the dollar revenues in millions they are handed when things like this happen.

        If I were the Chinese premier I would send Julia an extra special thank you with a kiss for “helping to stop global warming” and ask her to “see if you can talk all your friends into a carbon tax”

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    Wasn’t that chic a “denialist” at some point in her somewhat less than incandescent career?

    I think she made some sort of “belief changes” in clawing her way to the top.

    She lied outright, when she was somebody’s flunky, and said that she would “never” institute a “carbon tax.”

    I feel sorry for her. When her tenure is over, she’ll enjoy all the admiration that her predecessor Keven Rudd (“Krudd”) does

  3. Richard Todd says:

    Proud to have voted for Prime Minister Harper

  4. suyts says:

    Change being automatically assumed as bad, malevolent, and evil. But, change is something which has always occurred and change is something that humanity has always sought. The thought that we live in the ideal climate defies logic, common sense, and most of all, reality.

    For millennia of recorded history, we’ve had droughts, floods, heat waves, cold periods, snow, ice, crop depletion, sea level disturbance, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, monsoons, typhoons, dust bowls, and mini dust bowls. Change from that would be bad? It’ll get worse? How? The facts are, with the exception of the dust bowl, I’ve experienced all of it in my lifetime. No one can state change from this would be to our detriment. It will not. It won’t get worse, it can’t! For my entire life of almost 50 years, every day there is an occurrence of some climate catastrophe. Before my life, so too, did the same occur. EVERY DAY! it continues. I don’t believe it will stop. Nor, do I believe there’s a damned thing we can do about it, but if things were to change, I vote for that.

    For those who don’t believe what I’m saying, look to history. It’s documented. Truth frees, lies constrain.

  5. DirkH says:

    That’s astonishing. CIA World Factbook about australia:
    Public debt:
    22.4% of GDP (2010 est.)

    That’s nothing. Gillard never needed this tax. How one self destructs without any need to do so; that’s bizarre on a European level.

  6. Paul H says:

    I wonder if this means Juliar will refuse to send China all the coal they have agreed to buy?


  7. fay gibbs says:

    (Attached Global Conflict-Response Initiative.)
    ‘ENTHUSIASM’——— 2009-2013
    Compiled extraordinary collaborating program
    directly relating to re-creating corrupted core-
    values and cultural conflict resolution.
    Addressed to: ,
    With Compliments,
    Julia Ramsay, —
    Volunteer Social/ Environmental Reform Worker
    WARMICH-AUSTRALIA warmich28(at)bigpond.com
    Personal note: Humanity’s response-action towards
    preventing human suffering, overpopulation and
    consumption of non-renewable natural resources is
    not working. Humanity’s inability to safely negotiate
    deadly pharmaceutical agendas and psychosomatic
    self-destructive emotional mind-traps is flourishing.
    Toxic self-sacrificing waste-programs are designed to
    capitalize on ridding the Earth of unwanted life.

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