Daily Archives: December 5, 2012

Climate Change Affecting Ice Sculpture In Alaska

December 4, 2012 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA — Frigid cold in Interior Alaska is taking a toll on North Pole’s Christmas in Ice event. Temperatures of 40 below zero are hampering artists trying to craft their ice masterpieces. They are having to deal … Continue reading

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Hiding The Decline In Louisiana

NCDC has turned a cooling trend in Louisiana into a warming trend, through the magic of cooling the past and warming the present.

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Egyptians Thank Obama For The Arab Spring

Egyptians Hit by Dawning Realization that Obama’s on the DICTATOR’s Side- Not Theirs/Democracy h/t to Dave G

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Raising Arizona

NCDC tells us that Arizona has warmed three degrees since 1950. They accomplished this by adjusting the data upwards and by adding new stations. The blink comparator above switches between NCDC Arizona temperatures and GHCN HCN Arizona temperatures for all … Continue reading

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Prosecutors Withheld This Photo

Just another day in the Obamabananarepublic. Home

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Ehrlich : No Reason For Blacks To Worry About Saving The Planet

The Evening News – Google News Archive Search

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Hansen 1986 : Two Degrees Warming By 2006 – Hottest In 100,000 Years!

The Press-Courier – Google News Archive Search Hansen tells us now that things are worse than he feared.  

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2000 Shock News : North Pole Ice-Free For The First Time In 50 Million Years

The year 2000 was very eventful. The world collapsed due to the Y2K bug, snow became a thing of the past, and the North Pole melted for the first time in 50 million years. The North Pole is melting. August … Continue reading

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Arctic To Be Ice Free Before 2010

‘Frightening’ projection for Arctic melt The Arctic Ocean could be free of ice in the summer as soon as 2010 or 2015 – something that hasn’t happened for more than a million years, according to a leading polar researcher. According … Continue reading

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Record Cold In Alaska

Fairbanks high temperature today barely rose above the previous record low. History | Weather Underground

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