Daily Archives: December 27, 2012

Desperate Times For Colorado Skiing

Climate experts tell us that global warming is destroying skiing in Colorado Wolf Creek has received ten feet of snow this season so far, and are buried. The only problem is that temperatures are extremely cold out here. Web Cam … Continue reading

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Piers Morgan Was Fired In The UK For Being A Traitorous Fraud

CNN hired one of the world’s leading scumbags. He should be in jail in the UK for treason. BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Editor sacked over ‘hoax’ photos BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Mirror photos ‘not … Continue reading

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Brits Fighting To Keep Piers Morgan Out Of Their Country

Americans are trying to get Piers Morgan deported out of the US and back to the UK, but Brits are fighting back to keep him out of their country. New petition urges US to keep Piers Morgan ‘because UK doesn’t want him’ … Continue reading

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Europeans Freezing By The Hundreds, As Workers Lose Their Jobs In Mindless Government Attempt To Make The Weather Colder

We truly live in an age of deep stupidity and insanity. December 26, 2012 Cold Weather Across Europe, Asia Kills Hundreds Cold weather in the past few days has sadly gone from severe to deadly. While unusually high snowfall has … Continue reading

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Flu Vaccine-Free Zones

Suppose that a school district declared that they were a vaccine-free zone, and they had an epidemic of flu which the rest of the community did not suffer from. Would they conclude that vaccines don’t work, and ban them for … Continue reading

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Ban Everything That Is Dangerous

Humans operating cars kill one million people a year, including hundreds of thousands of innocent children. Driving should be banned. AIDS kills more than a million people per year, including hundreds of thousands of children. Gay sex should be banned. … Continue reading

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