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Daily Archives: February 17, 2013
Disarmament In Rwanda
Besides taking their arms away, they also took away their legs and heads. The people who did this were extremely grateful that the citizens were not armed. Why would they need guns? They had Kofi Annan and the UN to protect them.
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A Simple Oversight
Neither Obama, nor his publicist, nor anyone else Obama knew, noticed that for 17 years he was being aggressively marketed as being from Kenya. 1991 Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’ 2007 http://web.archive.org/web/20070403190001
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More Endorsements For The Feinstein/Obama Gun Confiscation Plan
The National Association of Armed Robbers, Rapists, Child Molesters, Mass Murderers, Bank Robbers and Home Invaders (NARCISSIST) has endorsed the Obama gun grab – saying that it will make their work much easier and safer, once the law-abiding citizens are disarmed. Dennis says that … Continue reading
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Team McKitten Posts Fake Photo
Community Editorial: OC Groups Join the Largest Climate Rally That picture was taken in Southern California, not DC. Apparently they didn’t want people to see the global warming protesters freezing their asses off. Lying about everything is the new normal for climate … Continue reading
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Bank Of America Needs To Go Gun Free
Bank of America is withholding FFL’s money. They should back up their illegal actions by going gun-free, and posting gun-free zone signs on all their banks. They should also require that money transfers to and from the bank are done in … Continue reading
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Will Obama’s Daughters Get Drafted Into Combat?
Obama wants women in combat, and Rangel wants to bring back the draft. I’m sure that Obama will set a good example and make sure that his daughters serve on the front lines. I would imagine that when they go … Continue reading
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1922 Shock News : Global Warming Making The Arctic Unrecognizable
Massive warming, glaciers disappearing, animals migrating – in 1922. Hansen says that the Arctic expansion and ice age scare of the 1970s was much warmer than the Arctic meltdown of the 1920s. And Mosher says that Hansen’s data is golden. … Continue reading
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1896 : Japan Hit By Earthquake, Tsunami And Typhoon On The Same Day
These are exactly the sort of events which the IPCC expects to occur as a result of global warming climate change. http://query.nytimes.com/
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My Experience With Rattlesnakes
Rattlesnakes – taken on a hike near Santa Fe, New Mexico I have spent most of my life out west, and have encountered rattlesnakes several times. If you leave them and their family alone, they will leave you alone. They are very … Continue reading
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