1982 : British Researchers Concluded That Global Warming Would Be Good For The Economy

ScreenHunter_177 Feb. 10 22.24

Evening Times – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1982 : British Researchers Concluded That Global Warming Would Be Good For The Economy

  1. Scarface says:

    We could use more of these kind of optimistic news items in the MSM.
    It’s so true: people like warmth and it costs less in heating etc.

  2. Rosco says:

    Hot weather in the UK ? “No sweat” is right !

    Even New Zealand beats the all time hot weather record in the UK and this event is probably as rare as hen’s teeth – a couple of weeks of warm weather per year.

    I know lots of UK migrants who wouldn’t consider returning to the cold under any circumstances – most went through extraordinary procedures to come here in the first place.

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