I’m Scared Of Guns

ScreenHunter_97 Feb. 19 21.33

LAPD shot these two Asian ladies 30 times – for driving a pickup truck and looking like a 270 pound black man.

I’ve never been scared of guns in civilian or military hands, but I am terrified of guns in the hands of police and other government para-military hacks. Like the armed SWAT team guy who was hanging out in the woods next to Sandy Hook Elementary School during a recent massacre.

Our Democratic friends are doing exactly what the White House wants them to do – unilateral disarmament. Someday in the not too distant future they will beg for someone to rescue them from the nightmare they created.

Democrats are right to be scared of guns -the 7,000 automatic rifles and 1.6 billion rounds of ammo which Obama has delivered to his para-military are indeed very frightening.

That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided, as dangerous to liberty; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

Virginia Bill of Rights

What part of that isn’t clear?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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41 Responses to I’m Scared Of Guns

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    Another shooting spree in the USSA and not a single assault weapon in the vicinity:


    “Police say the suspected shooter, identified as a 20-year-old student Ali Sayed, is among the dead.”

    With a name like that, is it any wonder..?

  2. phodges says:

    Law Enforcement “Requested” Shooting Targets of Pregnant Women

    DHS supplier responds to outrage over “no hesitation” targets which include children


  3. Jim says:

    The very unclear part of that is the reference to the Virginia Bill of Rights. I am not now and presumably never will be governed by the Virginia Bill of Rights. And the vast majority of the citizens of the USA are not beholden to the Virginia Bill of Rights !

    • Brad-DXT says:

      If you check your own state’s constitution, it will probably have a similar statement as to the militia of the state being comprised of adults providing their own arms in the defense of themselves and the state, when called upon by the governor. Read your State Constitution, the U.S. Constitution, and the Federalist papers (for additional context as to what was being said at the time of the writing of the U.S. Constitution). If you don’t agree with the information put to you in black and white, move to Cuba.

    • I. Lou Minotti says:

      The Virginia Bill of Rights is the basis for those included in our Constitution, sir. Let me make a random guess at your elementary and high school background–you are a product of the public school system of the late sixties, seventies or eighties, right? If you’d care to check the history, that’s when true American history was removed (or altered) in most public school curricula, along with the more eternal Standard.

      • Brad-DXT says:

        In the early seventies, we were required to pass a Constitution test to enter high school. Yes, the indoctrination was already being instituted. I still remember getting the question regarding the 2nd amendment wrong, according to the teacher. Forty plus years later, the SCOTUS agreed with my answer. I wonder if that will help my GPA?

  4. MikeTheDenier says:

    Fear of guns and gun violence? No worries. Tell Dear Leader

    BarackObama.com: Give Us Your Gun Violence Stories


  5. I. Lou Minotti says:

    You’ve just got to love that crazy Uncle Joe–Obama’s go-to guy on the Second Amendment and all-around dispenser of wisdom to the ladies on all things wise (according to Uncle Joe, that is). To wit: “Get a Shotgun, AR-15s Are Harder to Use,” (and be sure to watch the video):
    As he advised his wife to simply step out on the balcony and fire a shot or two in order to ward off an intruder, I surely hope he didn’t forget to mention that secret service agents live on the property in that outbuilding he rents to them!
    Or, perhaps, he was merely warning her about this guy, the “Secret Cervix officer who guarded [their] residence (hat-tip to Beavis and Butthead):

  6. davidappell says:

    Go ahead, keep a gun. Chances are you’ll shot yourself or a member of your household.
    = Dumb.

  7. uk(us) says:

    I’ve read the book (is there only one?) released about the killing of Osama.
    This seems closer to the truth ?

    Favorite quote, from the long story linked above:
    (about a different operation)
    Villagers told Iraqi newspapers the next day that “Ninjas came with lions.”
    Anybody that doesn’t read the full (linked) story above, is uninformed.

  8. uk(us) says:

    davidappell says:

    February 21, 2013 at 4:44 am
    Survival of the fittest.
    It is the only reason we are here to argue its merits.

  9. davidappell said (February 21, 2013 at 5:42 am)

    “…Why are you afraid to blog under your real name?
    You’re anonymous, and yet still you can’t answer that question…”

    Why is it when I read that I’m reminded of Tamino and Eli Rabbet?

    Tamino’s so anonymous, he even asks for donations under a pseudonym – “…You can help support this blog with a donation. Any amount is welcome, just click the button below. Note: it’ll say “Peaseblossom’s Closet” and the donation is for “Mistletoe” — that’s the right place…”

    Guess he doesn’t realize that mistletoe is a parasitic plant, and is a poisonous plant that causes acute gastrointestinal problems including stomach pain.

    Then again, maybe he picked the perfect avatar…

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