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Daily Archives: February 23, 2013
No Hesitation – No Pressure
Bob722 noticed that the mother who is supposed to be shot without hesitation, has the Star Of David on her shorts. No Pressure [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FkB4uiizVo]
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Law Enforcement Being Trained To Kill Mothers Protecting Their Children On The Playground
The image above is a mother with her daughter on the playground, being approached by a hostile person. The mother has pulled out a gun to protect her child, and the trainee is being trained to gun her down without … Continue reading
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NASA’s Top Scientist Issues A Dire Warning For The Year 2009
OCT 23, 2001 While doing research 12 or 13 years ago, I met Jim Hansen, the scientist who in 1988 predicted the greenhouse effect before Congress. I went over to the window with him and looked out on Broadway in … Continue reading
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Shocking Increase In Antarctic Sea Ice
Twenty years ago on this date, Antarctic sea ice occupied 1.3 million km^2. Today it has increased by almost 100% to 2.4 million km^2. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.south.anom.1979-2008
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Heidi Channel Fraudsters At Work
Climate Central cherry picked the coldest start date of 1970, in order to make a fraudulent claim that US winters are warming. Warming Winters: U.S. Temperature Trends | Climate Central US winter temperatures have been on the decline since 1920.
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University Of Colorado Moron Alert
The University of Colorado brought us James Holmes, Ward Churchill, and one of the most corrupt football programs in the US. They also told us five years ago that Colorado skiing is doomed. Study: Climate change may force skiers uphill … Continue reading
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Don’t Give Feinstein A Pair Of Scissors
Hours after the Sandy Hook shooting, Feinstein introduced a bill to effectively end the Second Amendment. Three months later, we still don’t know what happened inside that school, who were the people behind it, or what their motivations were. We do know … Continue reading
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You Do Not Fight Wolves By Creating More Sheep
Must watch video from a former secret service agent. There is no such thing as gun control – only people control [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8WLXhahw_A&feature=player_embedded]
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Lefties Want Black People To Behave
Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Ben Carson has angered the left by speaking his mind. Now Media Matters targets Ben Carson Lefties believe that black people should behave nicely and keep their mouth shut. If they do open their mouth, it should be like this … Continue reading
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Climate Change Occurring Faster Than Expected
Last year, global warming made the US warm, but climate change is occurring so fast now that the symptoms have reversed. Global warming now makes the US cold and snowy. 10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S. nsm_depth_2013022305_National.jpg (801×458) Eventually the atmosphere … Continue reading
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