Daily Archives: February 23, 2013

Arctic Moron Alert!

There is a huge area of Arctic sea ice north of Canada which is 3-5 metres thick, and is located in places which almost never get above 2C in mid-summer. This ice is not going to melt out during summer … Continue reading

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Arctic Devastation Update

Leading US climate experts say that the Arctic will be ice-free this summer. N_daily_extent.png (420×500) BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013?

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Another Climate Liar Fail

In December, NRDC announced the death of the Utah ski industry due to global warming. Report: Global warming hits Utah’s ski industry hard Dec 07 2012 12:09 pm Every lean-snow winter batters Utah and its $1 billion-a-year ski industry, according to … Continue reading

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Another NOAA Smoking Gun

I have been comparing published NCDC US temperatures to the raw HCN temperatures which they are supposed to be derived from. The graph below plots the difference between NCDC published US temperatures and HCN temperatures for all stations which have been continuously … Continue reading

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Florida Hurricane Strikes In Sharp Decline

NOAA records going back to the 1850s show that Florida used to average about one hurricane per year. Now they average one every other year. It has been eight years since Florida was hit by any hurricane, their longest hurricane-free … Continue reading

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The Overwhelming Ignorance Of Barack Obama

We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence. Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment … Continue reading

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Dems Say That Upholding The Bill Of Rights Is Treason

Kentucky would not enforce any federal law or regulation made after Jan. 1, 2013, if it bans or restricts ownership of a semi-automatic firearm or requires gun registration under a bill a state Senate committee approved Thursday.  The measure is … Continue reading

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Woodward : Obama Lying About Sequester

The scumbag in chief lies about everything, but he got caught by Bob Woodward this time :  “The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed,” Obama said. “It is something that Congress has proposed.” The White House chief of staff … Continue reading

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Private : Secret Message To Donor’s Trust

If you are not a member of the super-secret Suzanne Goldenberg conspiracy group under the wing of Donor’s Trust, you are forbidden to read further. Dear right wing conspirators, I have not been getting my denier checks. Please pay up … Continue reading

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Training An Army Of Mindless Drones

Check out this explanation of expanding Antarctic Sea Ice Antarctic Ice: Growing So Fast That It Will One Day Cover Earth? – Investors.com According to the latest theory from team climate moron,  Antarctic sea ice expands when the air warms up. … Continue reading

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