Another PIOMAS Smoking Gun

I noticed another fatal error in PIOMAS. Check out their ice thickness since 1979.

ScreenHunter_179 Feb. 19 16.56

There is a huge problem. Winters used to gain one metre of ice, but now they only gain half that much.

That is absurd. With less end of summer ice cover now and thinner ice, the average gain in thickness now should be more  than it used to be. The reason for this is that thin ice grows more quickly than thick ice, because the water is not as well insulated from the cold air above. In 1980 the ice was very thick, so the sea water below it was very well insulated from the cold air above it. Thus new ice growth was inhibited by a thick layer of existing ice.

PIOMAS is crap, and this will become obvious over the next couple of years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Another PIOMAS Smoking Gun

  1. Andy OZ says:

    Extending the trend of the chart, Summer Ice will be zero thickness on 2016 and Winter Ice will be zero thickness in 2020.
    PIOMAS are having a few too many blue pills on weekends.

    • Jason Calley says:

      It’s even worse than that! A few years after 2020, the winter ice thickness will be negative! There will be potholes and depressions in the ocean surface year round, valleys and craters where the ice would have been, had not the CO2 melted it all away.

      Oh, noes!

  2. gator69 says:

    Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean “Modeling” and Assimilation System

    Model driven drivel.

  3. slimething says:

    “I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries”.

  4. David says:

    paint meet corner.

  5. Sparks says:

    Last year I watched in amusement as a reporter on the BBC news used PIOMAS data for her report, the Lukewarm proponent they invited into the studio got into an argument with the biased interviewer immediately after the report was shown when he dismissed the PIOMAS data used in the report as alarmist and that he would not endorse the report.

  6. JohnM says:

    Quote from PSC description of PIOMAS:
    “The average thickness is calculated for the PIOMAS domain by only including locations where ice is thicker than .15 m”

    That goes some way toward solving your “huge problem” as stated, Mr Goddard. I’m sure you’ll be able to work the rest out from there.

    • Drewski says:

      You have committed a Cardinal Sin on this website — you have read the paper!!! Ahhh!! You found important and pertinent facts that were never to have seen the light of day. This means his hoard will awaken and descend upon you like a plague of locusts. Prepare yourself for non-sequiters and unremitting links to other blogs.

      Calamity will now befall you because you had to go and read the procedural guidelines. Goddard knows skeptics don’t read — in fact, he counts on it. Now you have spoiled everything.

      • It would have no impact. UIUC passive microwave based readings are under essentially the same restraint.. You are scum Drewski.

      • JohnM says:

        Sellars to Secombe, ‘The Last Goon Show of All.’ “My profundament apologies …” I will in future only get climate newsfeed from here, or from sites Mr Goddard dictates as being non-profane.
        O/T, but you did mention him. Not only should Cardinal Sin be committed, the whole damn bunch of cardinals in that shambolic non-state – the Vatican – should be committed. And no prospect of release, ever.

      • My observation has been that you and Brewski go off topic as soon as either of you make a stupid comment you’re unable to defend.

      • You two gossiping morons appear to be incompetent with both numbers and science. I am going to place both of you on spam unless you start addressing the content presented in these posts. You are pathetic

      • sunsettommy says:


        it appears that you have nothing rational and meaningful to contribute here.

        Why not go away and stop polluting the board with your crap?

  7. JohnM says:

    Well, I just went O/T yet you failed to identify an indefensible stupid comment of mine. Was there any reason you did that?

    • You haven’t said anything intelligent yet, but I’m open to the possibility. On the other hand since you intermix your comments with insults and the occasional bit of psychobabble I expect the probability is low.

    • LLAP says:

      @”JohnM”: You sound a lot like “Lazarus”. The “O/T” and the answering of questions with a question are too obvious. Are you?

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