Chubby Boy Gets His Wish

ScreenHunter_409 Jan. 18 00.53

January 18, 2013

Where, oh where, has our winter gone?

I blame Mother Nature and Republicans.

Think about it. Mother Nature has decided that she wants to warm up the earth and create global warming. Republicans think global warming is nonsense. So Mother Nature is not happy with Republicans. Living: Where, oh where, has our winter gone?

Wisconsin got hit by a huge blast of cold air right after he published this piece, and has stayed in the deep freeze ever since.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Chubby Boy Gets His Wish

  1. Andy OZ says:

    Grounhog Phil has joined the Democrat believers of Global Warming, apparently. Spring coming early this year…….yeah right!

  2. Traitor in Chief says:

    What are those bushy black fur tails above her glasses? 🙂

  3. Andy DC says:

    I am sure Wisconsins were all ecstatic when the temps went subzero. That frigid weather will no doubt cause a mass mirgration from Phoenix to Milwaukee.

  4. Olaf Koenders says:

    Wisconsin got hit by a huge blast of cold air right after he published this piece, and has stayed in the deep freeze ever since.

    Doubt that fat turdburger would feel it..

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