Colorado Democrats Teach Women How To Defend Themselves

Legislator Jesse Ullibari says that people should wait for the shooter to run out of ammunition, and then attack him with a ball point pen. Jesse thinks it is better to have the psycho shoot fifteen people, than to have a CCW holder put the shooter down.


Legislator Joe Salazar said that women should use judo and headlocks to stop rapists.


We have severely mentally ill people running our government. Rapists love these Democrats, because they make their job much easier and safer.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Colorado Democrats Teach Women How To Defend Themselves

  1. Jason Calley says:

    L. Neil Smith’s essay “Why Did It Have To Be… Guns?”
    Still the best one page explanation of politicians and guns, and what it means when they want you disarmed.

  2. gator69 says:

    My name is Bill Clinton, and I approve this message… 😉

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    Also, try playing dead.
    That supposedly works sometimes with grizzlies, but don’t do it with polar bears, or black bears for that matter, becuz they’ll just eat you. But with the half-witted killers and rapists around these parts, they’ll I’m sure stop what they’re doing and move on to more lively prospects if you play dead convincingly enough. Or give them the cold fish treatment. That might convince them to hit the road.

  4. Sundance says:

    I can’t wait to see the remake of Thelma and Louise using pens.

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