HB 1224 passes House
Colorado HB 1224 passed the house 34-31 today. All the republicans and 3 democrats voted against it. Next step is the senate, then the governor’s desk.
The bill prohibits the sale, transfer, or possession of an ammunition feeding device that is capable of accepting, or that can be readily converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition or more than 5 shotgun shells (large-capacity magazine). A person may possess a large-capacity magazine if he or she owns the large-capacity magazine HOUSE SPONSORSHIP Fields, SENATE SPONSORSHIP Hodge, Shading denotes HOUSE amendment. Double underlining denotes SENATE amendment. Capital letters indicate new material to be added to existing statute. Dashes through the words indicate deletions from existing statute.n the effective date of the bill and maintains continuous possession of the large-capacity magazine. A person who sells, transfers, or possesses a large-capacity magazine in violation of the new provision commits a class 2 misdemeanor.
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All four HBs have passed.
So simple.
Pass a law.
Now he is a criminal in possession.
Arrest him.
Total control.
This will not be pretty.
I believe your are correct. This is not going to end well for someone. My gut tells me the people with the guns are going to win in the long run.
I would be an outlaw in Colorado, as well as a patriot.
I’m just glad I don’t live in Colorado, and I am hoping this doesn’t come to Tennessee, I am doubting it will, as Tennessee-ans like their guns, and for good reason.
Shot to kill. You can’t waste a butlet.
How many 10 rounds ammunition feeding devices can you have?
They will be hard to find now. Another price that will skyrocket under his plan.
I stocked up on 10 round magazines on December 15.
They better pass a new prison bill because most of us will not comply.
Get used to it you’re living in a prison. That you can’t see the walls doesn’t make the difference. Try to leave the country with what is yours.
“We will show the socialists in Colorado that their oppressive laws on the people of Colorado are totally irrelevant by flooding the state with High Capacity M4 Assault Rifle Magazines before they close and lock the gates to the New Iron Curtain.
We have sets of ten (10) TSD Combat Systems M4 Magazines. These will only be sold to residents of Colorado at reduced rates, and only shipped to civilian Colorado addresses. We will not sell them to any official agency in the state, nor to any gun stores or dealers.
I know many want these magazines, but our beleaguered brothers need these more than we do.”
More idiocy from Colorado: http://hotair.com/archives/2013/02/18/co-democrat-hey-even-if-you-feel-like-youre-gonna-get-raped-you-might-not-so-no-guns-for-you/
Let’s see if the feminists complain or stay silent.