Conservation Of Stupidity

Matter is neither created nor destroyed.

About two trillion cubic metres of snow falls on Greenland every year. In order to achieve equilibrium, the same amount has to return to the sea.

Imbecile alarmists take pictures of ice and water returning to the sea, and try to sell them as evidence of global warming in Greenland. They should never have made it past grade school.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Conservation Of Stupidity

  1. Ivan says:

    And/or the ice gets thicker.
    World War II Planes Found in Greenland In Ice 260 Feet Deep
    Published: August 04, 1988
    Six American fighter planes and two bombers that crash-landed in Greenland in World War II have been found 46 years later buried under 260 feet of ice, searchers said today.”

  2. Gamecock says:

    “In order to achieve equilibrium”


    Equilibrium results. It is not the cause.

  3. Rosco says:

    What I find funny is that people trying to defend AGW ignore the vast amounts of energy converted to mass every day by plants.

    We KNOW that relatively small amounts of mass can produce very large amounts of energy upon oxidation – I rarely see this point conceded by climate scientists BUT I do see ridiculous propositions such as the ice cube I put in my drink can cause the drink to warm up as a result of the ice’s meagre radiation – I mean c’mon !

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