Eco-Terrorists Make Their Plans To Bring Down America, As DHS Targets Veterans And Romney Voters


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Eco-Terrorists Make Their Plans To Bring Down America, As DHS Targets Veterans And Romney Voters

  1. Sundance says:

    This individual is suggesting that what is better for the planet (who actually knows what’s best for the planet?) is more important than the survival of the human species. How are they able to reach this level of irrational thinking?

    • DHS is going to hire him, and give him an automatic AR-15 and 228,000 rounds of ammunition. He is just protecting the homeland, after all.

      Think how much fun he will have after Obama confiscates citizen’s guns.

  2. mikegeo says:

    Anarchists have always been around. They’re like a subspecies or something. what’s really unfortunate however is that while there’s plenty of wilderness that they could go live in to experience the no road, no people, no amenities thing that they say they want, but they then wouldn’t have anyone to preach to, which is really what they’re all about after all.

  3. jimash1 says:

    “No people would be the best”
    You first, dippy.

  4. Ben says:

    We’ll have to teach the chimps to save the beached whales first.

  5. He should make a start to leave the planet.

  6. ralphcramdo says:

    We need DJESUS to take care of the problem!

    [hulu id=1jx4_dewbk6igmmzd_9diw width=512]

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