Fat Cat

ScreenHunter_126 Jan. 31 22.34

Tough questions follow Al Gore book tour – Patrick Gavin – POLITICO.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Fat Cat

  1. Not a great look for someone who promotes austerity.

  2. Streetcred says:

    Looks like a beached whale … better not do down to the seaside in case the greenies roll him back into the surf. Save a whale today, harpoon Algore.

  3. Andy OZ says:

    He’s a perfect example of carbon sequestration!!

    He should sequest some more.

  4. Chewer says:

    Just a regular pair of child molesters having a good time, before they return to their lizard like dens!

  5. ralphcramdo says:

    “oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”
    Sir Walter Scott

  6. Sean says:

    Milo Minderbinder from Catch 22 comes to mind.


  7. Brian G Valentine says:

    I think somebody doctored this picture to make Albert look like a big fat SLOB

    It was probably some dead-end “denier” or “flat-earther” who did this and also made up stories about Albert and how he behaved like a “pervert” in “motel rooms” when he thought “no one would know” and the victim will probably even “like it”

  8. Spooky how all the MSM media people are asking the same basic question, almost as though it was fed to them in advance….


    • Andy OZ says:

      US Republic has been hacked. Interesting US and Roman Empire parallels.

      JFK Julius Ceasar (end of the Republic)
      LBJ Augustus
      Nixon Tiberius
      Carter Caligula
      Reagan Claudius
      Clinton Nero
      Bush Marcus Aurelius
      Obama Commodus

      Where is Maximus Decimus Meridius?

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