Feel Guilty? See A Psychitariist

Most Democrats are overwhelmed by fear and guilt, and think that interfering with happy people’s lives will somehow improve their own sorry existence. It didn’t work in Russia in 1916 or Germany during the 1930s, and it won’t work here.

Go see a psychiatrist if you are having guilt and anxiety problems, and leave us sane, happy people alone.

We are the people who keep your house warm, your lights on, and food on your table. You can’t keep wrecking our ability to do that – without paying the consequences. New Yorkers did not enjoy their Earth Week in November. Without a dependable supply of fossil fuels, your life will completely suck.

In other words, stop being a useless parasite – and pull yourself together.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Feel Guilty? See A Psychitariist

  1. darwin says:

    Well said. This post should be required reading for all climate fanatics, progressives, socialists, communists and busy bodies who can’t seem to keep their nose out of other people’s business and pockets.

    It should be read and followed by a period of self reflection.

  2. Andy DC says:

    We don’t need anyone of any political stripe imposing their guilt complexes on the rest of us. The fewer laws, the more freedom we will all have.

  3. tckev says:

    But the administration requires people to feel the grip of victimhood.
    If you don’t feel like a victim then big government can’t apply to you the ‘help’ it knows you need. If you don’t feel like a victim then you may take decisions that based on education, knowledge, and experience that goes counter to what the government requires of you. If you are not a victim you may well become one of those problem individuals. If you are not a victim and own a gun then this government thinks you probably are a problem!

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