Forecast The Morons

A huge snowstorm is developing in the permanent drought states of Kansas and Nebraska for later this week.

I forecast that the same morons who were last week blaming the lack of snow on CO2, will now blame the snow on CO2. They believe that CO2 creates excess moisture which causes drought – because they have the IQ of rhubarb.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Forecast The Morons

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Please don’t insult rhubarb.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Too much snow could lead to extreme droughtflood when the spring rains come. Maybe even unprecedented exceptional droughtflood!

  3. Andy OZ says:

    Steve has a thing against low IQ vegies. Broccoli better watch out or else it will get roped in with the others. I have found that plants are useful……and warmists are useless, but I cannot disagree with Steve. They both have IQ approaching zero.

  4. AndrewS says:

    Rhubarb for the climateMorons!: “Rhubarb also contains glycosides especially rhein, glucorhein and emodin which impart cathartic and laxative activities to it. It is hence useful as a cathartic in case of constipation.” -wikipedia

    • Andy OZ says:

      Nice one.
      “Climate morons” will avoid Rhubarb like the plague then because they are constipated in mind and body. My mum and grandma always said rhubarb was good for you.

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