“Getting Guns Off The Streets”

Politicians love to talk about getting guns off the streets, just like they do about getting drugs off the streets.

Police are not going to try to disarm illegal gangs, because they might get shot. The only people they will disarm will be law abiding citizens who they know won’t shoot back.

ScreenHunter_132 Feb. 01 06.09

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to “Getting Guns Off The Streets”

  1. magellan says:

    You can’t make this stuff up.

    ‘Tackle crazed gunmen with SCISSORS or just hide under your desk’: Homeland Security’s controversial advice video for fighting lone wolf shooter

  2. Sundance says:

    January gun homicides were 42 for January a very cold Chicago. This prompted Mayor Emanuel to transfer 200 uniformed pencil pushers from their desks to the street with today being the coldest day this winter. So much for Christie Hefner nonsense. 🙂

  3. Ben says:

    We need to outlaw suffering.
    If suffering is outlawed, then only outlaws will have suffering

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