I rode my bicycle to the store (15 minutes) and it was pleasant weather. I shopped for 10 minutes, and when I came out it was a blizzard. By the time I made it home there was an inch of snow on the ground. This must be about our sixth or seventh snow storm in the last three weeks.
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Lots of virtual snow in Colorado for children that have never seen the real thing!
What kind of fossil fuel err non fossil fuel tires do you have on that bike?
Steven, I’m just wondering, nothing more nothing less. I used to ride a bike all the time but the norm in the Great White North says otherwise.
Skinniest tires I can get.
OK I see!
How well does that work on black ice?
I don’t ride on ice. Fortunately we don’t get much here.
Because you never know when you will hit that crap and the wheels will come out from under you.
Your lucky then not to have that, Me guesses.
The thing is, I would have never bought a car if there was good reliable tracaion for a bike.
Just saying.
Yea, I will never drive somewhere if I can get there on a bicycle. I hate driving.
On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Real Science
Yeah, I hear ya, but some people can’t, through circumstances not of their own and some won’t.
No worrys from Me Steven, I want liberty and freedom and to be let alone just like you do.
Forecasts are starting to call for snow in Florida late next week. Bastardi is calling for poss. snow in the panhandle, maybe farther south.
“I rode my bicycle to the store (15 minutes) and it was pleasant weather. I shopped for 10 minutes, and when I came out it was a blizzard.”
There’s your problem. If you’d driven an SUV, it would have been 90 outside.
Many years ago I was a paperboy and had the largest route in the area. I had to build a bike heavy duty enough to carry three baskets and two satchels of paper weight, and me. One January my back tire slipped on ice, and I broke my tail bone. My nonexistent helmet of the day did me no good. The only good part of the story was the massive workman’s comp claim I got as a thirteen year old.