Killer Bunnies In Denver

If the communist takeover of Denver isn’t bad enough, now they have killer bunnies to deal with too.

Bunnies attacking cars at the Denver airport

Bunny rabbits. You thought they were cute and cuddly didn’t you?

Obviously this is not the case. Bunnies are apparently responsible for thousands of dollars worth of damage to cars parked at the Denver International Airport.

Bunnies attacking cars at the Denver airport, seriously – Zap2it

In 1979, President Carter was attacked by a killer bunny.

Had it been Obama instead of Carter, he would have quickly dispatched the bunny with one of  his favorite shotguns.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Killer Bunnies In Denver

  1. Mike Mangan says:

    Obama would have used a drone and then blamed Boehner.

  2. Snafu says:

    ….and they’ve got huuuge big pointy teeth!

    ….it’s only a rabbit.

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