Left Wing Insanity In My Neighborhood

Schools are doing everything they can to raise thousands of Adam Lanza’s.

LOVELAND, Colo. — A 2nd grader has been suspended from school in Loveland for a make believe game he was playing.
The 7-year-old says he was trying to save the world. But school administrators say he broke a key rule during his pretend play.
“I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got dispended,” says Alex Evans, who doesn’t understand his suspension any better than he can pronounce it.

“It’s called ‘rescue the world,’” he says.

He was playing a game during recess at Loveland’s Mary Blair Elementary School and threw an imaginary grenade into a box with pretend evil forces inside.

“I pretended the box, there’s something shaking in it, and I go ‘pshhh.’”

The boy didn’t throw anything real or make any threats against anyone. He explains he was pretending to be the hero. “So nothing can get out and destroy the world.”

But his imaginary play broke the school’s real rules. The school lists “absolutes” designed to keep a safe environment. The list includes absolutely no fighting, real or imaginary; no weapons, real or imaginary.

7-year-old playing an imaginary game at school gets suspended for real | KDVR.com – Denver News, Weather & Sports from FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado

Anyone who has watched the BBC’s Planet Earth knows that fighting is an absolutely essential part of male psyche and the evolutionary process. That kid isn’t always going to be seven years old.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Left Wing Insanity In My Neighborhood

  1. Ben says:

    Absolutely no perspective, common sense, or critical thinking…real or imaginary.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    One more reason to get rid of the Dept. of Education and public sector teachers unions (disclosure: my Dad was a teacher in a union), and/or home school and/or have school vouchers. Think of the money saved by eliminating the middle man (Dept. of Ed.) and associated bureaucracy.

  3. gator69 says:

    We allowed the left to hijack the educational system, and allowed their vision of ‘child rearing’ to become codified. It is our fault too.

    Nothing man creates is perfect. But leftists believe they can perfect humanity through their constant manipulations. This is what gave us eugenics, and the Final Solution. At present the left is trying to describe conservatism as a defective gene, as something that is harmful to progress, and something that should be stamped out.

    Wake up.

  4. Lou says:

    Hard to believe that I once brought plastic fake UZI machine gun to elementary school in the 1980s to play with it and nobody freaked out. Things sure have changed a lot since then.

  5. Brian G Valentine says:

    Ha – I remember when I was in 7th grade some 16 year old delinquent in a leather jacket put out a window shooting at me with his pellet gun. They didn’t even suspend him! (it would have been his 459th suspension anyway)

    Schools have come a long way since then

  6. higley7 says:

    How have we managed to make our teachers so STUPID? Play is play and being a good guy is admirable. Defending the world and others can NEVER be considered bad, except for the terminally challenged minds of liberals who are out to demonize the good side of children and people.

    Guns do not kill people. People kill people. The UK has 8 times the violent crime rate of the US, as the criminals know the citizens are unarmed and thus do not even need guns in assaults, home invasions and robberies. The UK is even many times higher (16 times higher) if we leave out our inner cities and their gun control-protected criminals.

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