Liberals Need To Turn Off Their Damn Television

I’m so tired of hearing hysterical lefties talking about how violent life is in the US.

Unless you live in a gun-free inner city dominated by gangs, chances are that you never see any violence outside of your television. The only shootings we ever have here in Fort Collins are when the police execute someone before they arrest them.

You are 100 times more likely to be killed by a car than by a rifle. Does CNN devote three weeks of air time to every one of the 10 million auto accidents which occur every year in the US? Do people obsess endlessly over auto accidents?

You are more likely to be killed by a hammer than by a rifle. The violent crime rate in the UK is eight times higher than in the US. Turn off your damn television you morons, It is driving you insane.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Liberals Need To Turn Off Their Damn Television

  1. Ivan says:

    Turn off your damn television you morons,
    And do what? For 8+ hours a day?

  2. kirkmyers says:

    Have you noticed that the gun-control fanatics never blame cars for auto accidents? They quite correctly blame the person behind the wheel. But when it comes to crimes committed with guns, they always blame the gun — an inanimate object. It’s an interesting double standard. But not at all surprising coming from the anti-Second Amendment crowd, which is dominated by so-called “progressives” and child-like adults who’ve watched Disney’s Bambi too many times. The progressive mindset seems incapable of reasoned analysis.

    I’ve yet to see a pistol, rifle or shotgun jump into someone’s hands and start firing. The gun regulators and confiscators need to stop blaming guns (and knives, baseball bats, tire irons, hammers and other objects) for human acts of violence. A gun, or any other weapon, in the hands of moral, well-adjusted, law-abiding citizens is not a problem. On the contrary, the problem stems from a pervasive loss of virtue and the wholesale abandonment of any sense of right and wrong by our citizenry. We’ve lost our moral and spiritual values.

    As J. Edgar Hoover once said, “The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair.”

    • It’s not anyone’s fault that they crash their cars. Clearly, if the car crashed it should have been fixed to not allow crashing in the first place. Why didn’t the government do something about this?

      If anyone here thinks they have been unfairly done by their car manufacturer they can join this support group:

    • Ivan says:

      “If guns kill people then pencils misspell words, cars make people drive drunk and spoons made Rosie O’Donnell fat.”
      – Author Unknown

  3. hannuko says:

    I actually read of a study that showed that watching news from the tv instead of reading them from the paper makes the person overestimate the likelyhood of becoming a victim by a huge amount.

    When watching a video about a crime, with people crying etc., the subconcious mind thinks the event happened right next door. And the subconcious is apparently what makes estimates about odds of something happening, not the concious mind.

    So you are right. News should be read, not watched.

  4. Traitor in Chief says:

    They don’t need their Televisions to be crazy. It’s libs on the TV puking out the story. What’s on the tube is a visual on what is floating around in their pea brains. They work themselves into a frenzy with their own fantasy.

  5. Jason Calley says:

    What does TV do to people? Take two minutes, read this excerpt from “Virus of the Mind.”

    I stopped watching TV twenty years ago. Stopping was one of the smartest things I have ever done. Kill your TV.

  6. Robertv says:

    “And yet, the 900 pound gorilla in the room (that no one will dare look in the eye) is that there is an unassailable racial component involved.”

  7. But then again we don’t have school shootings do we 64 in the good old USA since 1997 none in the UK in the same period the year after we brought proper gun control in to force after the Dunblane incident. Told do you before stick to climate change something that your good at and leave everything else to others

    • Jason Calley says:

      The proper comparison would not be do we or do we not have school shootings: the better comparison would be do we or do we not both have violent crimes. Let me explain. Suppose it were shown that most rapists wear dark shirts. Suppose we then outlawed dark shirts and managed to completely ban their use. What would be the point of saying “we now have no dark shirted rapists!”? It would be true — but pointless, since rapists would continue to commit their crimes, just with different shirts. It is the same with guns. They are, in fact, a convenient tool for criminals — just as they are a convenient tool for legal self defense. Outlawing guns may very well (or not) reduce the use of guns for crime — but that is a sort of pointless statistic, just like outlawing dark shirts would stop dark shirt rapists.

    • Schools need security. Placing children in gun-free zones is insanity.

    • Gamecock says:

      Gun crime has increased in the UK. No school shootings is nothing more than LUCK.

    • methylamine says:

      Apparently you hate women and old people; or anyone else physically disadvantaged by a strong criminal thug. For without firearms, how are they to defend themselves?
      I’m extremely proud of Texas, where hundreds of thousands of women carry concealed weapons and won’t be victims of the crime that ravages your formerly great country. And of the millions of women who have guns at home and in their cars, ready to defend themselves and their families–to say nothing of the men who do the same.

      Our crime rate in Texas is lower than Ontario, Canada–supposedly a high-water mark of peace and tranquility.

      Hooray. You’ve stopped school shootings–statistically about 20 deaths per year in America. But you’ve quadrupled your violent crime–and INCREASED gun crime.

      Is a dead 40-year-old acceptable, but a dead 6-year-old not? What twisted calculus goes on in your head? ALL life is precious. We in Texas protect it ALL.

  8. Blade says:

    Have a look at this story of how a busy-body tattletale leads to 5 carloads of cops raiding a home in the UK.

    Coming soon here in the USA. Actually it is already here. Google the subject of “Swatting”.

    People should take note and remember to obfuscate their details. Liberals are rats, and they love to have other people do their dirty work. Come to think of it, we can return the favor by locating liberals that haven’t conformed to the ObamaCare rules and purchased insurance, and phoning the Feds and reporting them. They deserve a little asymmetrical warfare in return.

  9. Martin says:

    Strange – it says here ( that the US homicide rate is 4 times that in the UK!!

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