Lower Is The New Higher

The scientists use computer model simulations to demonstrate that rainfall across the earth has increased less over the current warming period than during the Medieval Warming Period – despite the fact that temperatures during this era are far higher.

Global Warming More Complex Than Originally Thought – The Green Optimistic

Below is what the 1990 IPCC report showed. The Medieval Warm period was much warmer, before the great Y2K rewrite of the climate by Mann, Hansen, Karl, Ministry of Truth, et. al.

ScreenHunter_135 Feb. 01 07.33


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Lower Is The New Higher

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    well hell, someone should tell this to the fool in a sth aus uni who got big raveup media wise today saying warmings INcreased global rainfall esp in tropics.
    said hed used 6k measuring points for the data. hmm?
    not so long ago aus was declared permanent drought a a way of life:-) 08 or 09? by our very own BoM. another epic FAIL.

  2. Recent heavy rain and flooding. Raining heavily again along the Easy Coast.

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