More Illegal Activity Directed From The White House

Obama has no respect for the Constitution, Congress, US Law, or the American people. It is all about consolidating power and control for himself.

President Barack Obama recently proposed a series of actions he might take in regulating long guns and handguns. Gun Owners of America is particularly troubled by one proposal that might have a good chance of being implemented.

If the universal check is implemented, then the FBI would soon have access to a list of tens of millions of Americans who own guns, according to GOA. Here’s why:

GOA says universal check is especially worrisome, considering how federal agents are already skirting the laws against gunowner registration, GOA claims. Several dealers around the country have informed GOA that ATF agents are going into gun shops and copying all of the 4473s, giving them the names of every gun owner who purchased a gun through that shop.

This is illegal under the 1986 McClure-Volkmer law, GOA says, but that has apparently not stopped it from being done, the group claims.

Moreover, if every gun in America has to go through a dealer, this will create a mechanism to compile a list of every gun owner in America — a national registration system.

So, according to the Gun Owners of America, the biggest danger gun owners face right now is the prospect of universal background checks — which the group says would create a platform for national registration and eventually more regulation or even confiscation.

Will Universal Background Checks Put Your Name on a List?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to More Illegal Activity Directed From The White House

  1. methylamine says:

    I will not comply.
    I’m done with the federal government. They’re liars, cheats, law-breakers; pedophiles*, communists.
    It’s a mafia–no, it’s worse than a mafia…at least the real Mafia is honest about what they are. I’m viscerally sick of these smiling predators pretending to “help” while shaking us down, stripping our rights, and destroying our country.

    Screw them all.

    Molon Labe!

    * Menendez et al.

  2. Chewer says:

    And the Canadians thought they had it tough trying to figure out how many guns were spread out between 28 million (17 million adults) in the 1990’s…
    By comparison the U.S. has an estimated 300 million guns, which seems quite low unless you’re only counting 13 states…

  3. Andy OZ says:

    Emperors make their own laws. Even when they aren’t wearing any clothes.

  4. Adam Gallon says:

    And the problem with a law-enforcement officer knowing from a record that someone has a particular gun is what?
    Seems sensible to me, a murder’s been commited, forensics say it’s by a certain calibre, possibly even they identify a type or model of weapon, appropriate enquieries can be made.

    • Me says:

      And they are suspending little girls with a toy bubble gun or trying to, so if that isn’t bad enough imagine when they beat down your door because someone stole your identity and used it for you know what. Because the government is pretty much setting it up that way where it will create a new black market.

    • What part of illegal is confusing to you, you stupid Nazi?

    • Justa Joe says:

      Adam Gallon = Adam Gadahn (American Al Qaeda terrorist)

    • sunsettommy says:

      It appears to be illegal Adam:

      “This is illegal under the 1986 McClure-Volkmer law, GOA says, but that has apparently not stopped it from being done, the group claims.”

      The Feds are so busy attacking the law abiding gun owner and ignoring the ones who does all of the massacres as vividly shown in their politically motivated attacks on the NRA and law abiding gun owners.

      You need to get skeptical of the Feds actions and the sinister motivations behind it.

  5. B.C. says:

    Adam, the 2nd Amendment was specifically put into the Constitution (via the Bill of Rights) in order to allow We, The People, to protect ourselves FROM the government. (If you had any knowledge of history, you’d already know this.) The government knowing exactly where every gun owner lives, as well as what guns they own, sort of makes the 2nd Amendment a moot point, doesn’t it?

    For the record, all of my guns and ammo were lost in a boating accident. It was a damned shame, but these things happen, ya’ know?

    • squid2112 says:

      One way I am keeping off of their radar is, I am printing my guns with a 3D printer. A group of us are beginning new research into new materials that can be used with these devices to enable us to manufacture a wider range of parts with the goal of producing 95% of the parts necessary to create any type of gun you like, even fully automatic if you wish. My belief is that this government has seriously underestimated the American people. “the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is the key here, and I for one will ensure that YOUR rights shall not be infringed as well!

    • Adam Gallon says:

      Just English & so rather perplexed about all this redneck gun-toting stuff!

      • sunsettommy says:

        Yeah it is clear that you have no idea what is going on.

      • TonyO of Aust says:

        Adam – ” all this redneck gun-toting stuff”

        You’re not “perplexed” – you have already made up your mind – as evidenced by the above phrase.

        If you are English – and living in England – you have no weapons (guns) – whatya gonna do when you have some nice bearded gentlemen come calling to behead you because you are an infidel? I t would be nice to have a gun then – maybe they wouldn’t even call round for their little chat if they knew you could fight back…ahhh yes, but that would make you a “gun-toting redneck”, wouldn’t it? Better to sacrifice you and your family’s lives to liberal/progressive ideologies…

      • methylamine says:

        You should. England has four times the violent crime rate of the US! It’s roughly doubled since ya’ll* let your government take your guns.
        You DO have a lower gun-crime rate than we do…but your overall crime rate is horrendous! Unfortunately we can’t ask the dead, but I’m sure they’d be just as sad to be dead after a knifing as after a shooting.

        I object to the denigration of the term “redneck”. It’s an honorable term down here, a mark of competence; we can skin a buck, shoot a beer can at 200 yards, fix our cars (even my BMW), build a bookcase, splint a fracture and program a computer.
        Moreover we harken from a proud intellectual tradition–from the Magna Carta (which the English seem to have forgotten), through the Enlightenment to Jefferson–just to name a few.

        What’s confusing about the right to defend oneself? It is not guaranteed by our 2nd amendment; rather, the 2A forbids the State from interfering with an inherent human right!

        We’re not equipped with claws or fangs; we rely on tools. A gun is a tool useful for self defense against criminal aggression.

        The most dangerous criminals are government criminals–who’ve murdered over 250 million human beings in the last century–not including war casualties!

        Knowing history, I’ll take the best weapons I can afford, thank you, as a bulwark against tyranny.

        This country was born in an armed insurrection against tyranny; it won’t die disarmed and enslaved.

        * Texan-English, second person singular. “All ya’ll”–second person plural

  6. B.C. says:

    What’s the difference between a Brit and an American? One is a subject and the other is a citizen. Our guns are the only things keeping us from becoming the former.

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