New Research Has Convinced Me That Climate Change Is Real!

ScreenHunter_123 Feb. 21 19.59

I was shocked to learn that Yosemite Valley used to have mile thick ice in it, until Fred started feeding Dino too much fiber.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to New Research Has Convinced Me That Climate Change Is Real!

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    Metal to the pedal ASSHOLE. An isolate.

    • NikFromNYC says:

      Oh ship, didn’t expect that to get through your moderation barrier. To harsh for today.

    • What drugs are you taking tonight?

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Come on, Nik, I don’t understand where you’re coming from on this particular comment. Please explain this one.

    • Eric Barnes says:

      I’m curious as well. Perhaps you could moderate whatever it is you are doing?

      • NikFromNYC says:

        Bill Clinton already did a politico-value “assault weapons ban” and no Nazi stormtroopers landed in our back yards.

        Yet today and every day a divide is made deeper, here.

        As a kid I hated opinion-filled extroverts.

        Steve cuts through bullshit, but he’s stuck in Middle America. He hasn’t studied his various enemies very well. Idealists are just entrepreneurs and artisans, not Nazis.

        Here in NYC, we love people.

        I’m confused about Jesus.

        To LOVE others even at your own expense?

        But there’s no love here. Or *anywhere*. Just cliques.

        There’s nobody to talk to!

        A David Bowie song or two or three. I’m not kidding. Modern form of old school poetry.


        Why is it bad?

        In between the letters of sentences is math.

        The world is geometry.

        We live in the best of times, standing tall on Planet Earth.

        And yet?

        You deem to be sad!?!?!

        Your are heroes!


  2. An Eco-Worrier who posted here a few times once demanded that I provide “proof” that glaciers have been melting for thousands of years. I asked him, have you ever sailed through Milford Sound? Of course he was completely confused by this response…

  3. Dave N says:

    “..demanded that I provide “proof” that glaciers have been melting for thousands of years..”

    Frankly, I wouldn’t have entertained a moron who apparently doesn’t believe Earth has had ice ages.

  4. JohnM says:

    Does the title of your blog imply that you were previously unconvinced?

  5. NikFromNYC says:

    You’re fucking with comment moderation, sir, bought & paid for, screaming @ the world, the only smart guy on Planet Earth, quite evidently, on your little cliff.

    • I have no idea what you are talking about. You are raving like a loon.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Andy, I like your everyday wisdom, your concise common sense that is simple yet often at the same time profound. Thanks for your insights.

      @Nik. I’ll take wine as an explanation, if not as an apology, for Steven. Probably contrition is called for here. I’ve enjoyed your other albeit sometimes contrarian posts, though they are often (but not necessarily always….. [disclaimer]) in line with my own thinking. You say there’s “no one to talk to” at this site, but I personally have been inclined recently to respond to some of your recent posts, but, I am running around and maybe didn’t have time.
      In fact I had seen that you had made a comment last night, and so I wanted to see what you had to say. Shock really to see your inexplicable -isolate- comment.
      So, it would be a shame if you are blackballed from this site. First of all, make it a rule not to post when you’ve been drinking (or shooting heroin, lol [a joke!]). A close second is to watch your language. Technically foul language might be allowed here, but at a lot of sites there are screens to keep that kind of french out, and there may be women and children reading this, so use the F word et al only when it’s really really called for. Soap. 🙂

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