New York Times Shock News : Martians Build Two Immense Canals – In Only Two Years

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MARTIANS BUILD TWO IMMENSE CANALS IN TWO YEARS – Vast Engineering Works Accomplished in an Incredibly Short Time by Our Planetary Neighbors -Wonders of the September Sky. – View Article –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to New York Times Shock News : Martians Build Two Immense Canals – In Only Two Years

  1. tckev says:

    It’s a settled science.

  2. Three years later, World War I broke out, and devastated a generation, which sowed the seeds of World War II.

  3. Billy Liar says:

    It’s amazing how long people believed that Mars was inhabited. It wasn’t until the Mariner 4 spacecraft returned images taken on 15 July 1965 showing craters and no canals that the belief in a populated Mars was finally crushed.

    They were first ‘observed’ by Giovanni Schiaparelli in 1877 so it took 88 years to discover the truth.

  4. Bruce says:

    It must’ve been true since NYT is the paper of record. They are always right left.

  5. Either those canals got built faster than he thought, or the defect in his telescope lens was grower faster than he thought..

  6. Jambon-X says:

    Poor Martians. They obviously continued using fossil fuels and didn’t control their CO2 emissions, and got wiped out by global warming, which made Mars very cold.

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