Obama Has Been Skeet Shooting A Couple Of Times, And Hates It

Published last week, before the photo was released.

ScreenHunter_44 Feb. 02 11.25

January 30, 2013

News of President Obama’s apparently long-secret fondness for skeet shooting came as a surprise to those who say they have witnessed the president’s “awkward” attempts at pinging the (clay) pigeons.

This has only happened with the president at Camp David, at most, a couple of times, according to a source who says he has been to the retreat on a half-dozen visits with Obama.

“The only time he shot skeet was for President’s Cup,” said the source, referring to a shooting competition tradition involving the presidential Marine guards. “I was there. He stayed for about five minutes, and couldn’t leave fast enough.”

Obama goes ‘skeet shooting all the time’? Hardly ever, sources say | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Obama Has Been Skeet Shooting A Couple Of Times, And Hates It

  1. Robertv says:

    SSN to be linked in a number of databases to a date of birth 1890.


  2. Justa Joe says:

    John R. Lott, Jr, the author of “More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws,” stated that Hussein was always rude to him and called him “the gun guy” during Hussein’s cup of coffee at the University of Chicago.

  3. Dan Kurt says:

    What is the puff of smoke coming from the right side of the barrel in the photo of Obama shooting?

    What does his shoulder look like after shooting the shot gun in the photo given his holding of the shot gun makes no sense? He is bruised, no?

    Where is his padded shooting jacket?

    What is he shooting at? When I shoot trap or skeet, I am aiming up.

    Why does he lie when the TRUTH could be much easier?

    Dan Kurt

    • Blade says:

      What is the puff of smoke coming from the right side of the barrel in the photo of Obama shooting?

      See here. The barrel is ported.

      What does his shoulder look like after shooting the shot gun in the photo given his holding of the shot gun makes no sense? He is bruised, no?

      His shoulder probably looks exactly the same as it did before – like a wimpy little girl’s.

      Where is his padded shooting jacket?

      They couldn’t find one to match his blouse?

      What is he shooting at? When I shoot trap or skeet, I am aiming up.

      Probably a picture of Hillary. Or maybe Uncle Sam.

      Why does he lie when the TRUTH could be much easier?

      He is a natural born Communist. Literally ( father an African commie, mother an American commie ). He was raised to hate America.

      • Me says:

        So why is ported on an over\under shotgun?

      • Blade says:

        See that thread where one of the commenters put links to a photo of the barrel. It is manufactured that way. Kind of decorative but looks like it probably helps with controlling barrel rise somewhat. The best addition to a shotgun IMHO is a cushion padded stock and a pistol grip, both probably being made illegal by liberals now. I don’t know what that is, maybe a .410 girly gun for this girly man. Let’s see him squeeze off a 12 or 10 gauge.

        I had my .44 Magnum done, it was called Magna-Porting back then, over 20 years ago. two carefully drilled vents about 45° off vertical ( maybe a little steeper since it merely matches the triangular barrel angle ). It takes a little kick away from recoil and barrel jump at the expense of a little muzzle velocity. Tell the truth, it is hard to tell the difference. If you only ever use exactly the same ammo and never different weights and loads you will detect the improvement, otherwise it is lost in the variation between different rounds.

        Since some fire and smoke sneaks out the top (rather than all out the front) it can make for pretty cool photos.

      • gator69 says:

        Hey Blade! I also thought .410 when I saw that photo. If he had fired a 12 ga using that wimpy stance, his skinny girly ass would have been knocked around by the recoil. Are we sure that isn’t an Airsoft gun with some baby powder for effect?

      • Me says:

        Hey Blade, what do they do with the bottom barrel then?

      • Blade says:

        Me [February 4, 2013 at 8:36 pm] says:

        Hey Blade, what do they do with the bottom barrel then?

        ( sorry for the delay )

        Well like I said, I cannot recall squeezing off any shots on a ported shotgun myself. But in that photo of the barrel, both the upper and lower are ported ( with slightly different design strategies ), I’ll accept that there must be some good reason unless it is pure decoration. I still don’t know what round the shotgun fires. I mean if it is a tiny .410 what is the purpose except decoration?

        The Magna-Ports on my .44 are slits and not holes ( and are clearly purposeful ) , so that design shown the photo does not make much sense to me, however, I cannot rule out that the engineers developed something more efficient with that arrangement of holes in the past 25 years or so.

        Maybe someone else with specific experience with ported shotguns can offer some hard facts.

      • Me says:

        From what I have seen a muzzel break would probably work better.

    • I fixed a broken laser printer yesterday. First I used some target load, which bounced back and hit me in the hand. That pissed me off so I got out some rifled slugs – which were quite effective at repairing the old Samsung.

  4. redc1c4 says:

    that must be the only ported shotgun in the world that isn’t ported on both sides of the barrel…

    and what’s with all the smoke? is that idiot using black powder shells?

  5. scizzorbill says:

    Why is the White House showing Barry boy firing a weapon? They want to confiscate them from private citizens, yet they seem to be promoting firearms. Someone please explain the liberal logic behind this.

    • Latitude says:

      they’re trying to show how butch he is….
      …by putting up a picture of him shooting like a girl

    • Blade says:

      I think they are trying “triangulation”, the Dick Morris concept used by Fat Bastard Bill Clinton. BarryBitch will be painted as a pro-sportsmen weekend warrior running the minor risk that he will inflame some anger from the anti-hunting wackos.

      There has always been a divide between the hunting-only firearms owners and the rest that believe hunting is a small, meaningless part of firearm ownership. The leftists think they can drive a wedge between them, and they are probably correct as many hunting-only type shooters are very selfish, and as long as they don’t come for their duck hunting shotguns simply shrug off all attacks on the 2nd Amendment. But then the same liberals go after their lead pellets and then they wake up for a short while, then go back to sleep.

      Of course they miscalculate the size of the hunting-only firearms owners, those who never think about their guns until the season opens. Many hunters also carry, many are politically active, many are cops, many are aware of the precipice we are looking over. It really is a small sliver of hunting-only that they will break off and get to support draconian firearms laws.

      Much of this could be exposed by asking a simple question on camera at a press conference: “Mr. President, what does hunting have to do with the 2nd Amendment”. It is as simple as that. They cannot even construct an answer to that question. Someone please ask him that over and over again!

  6. gator69 says:

    I saw an ex special forces op say the exact same thing about Barry’s love affair with skeet. He was at the President’s Cup embarrassment and said that Barry obviously showed up to be able to say he was there, and again the report was that Barry could not leave fast enough and hated it.

    Are there no patriots in the secret service? The guy I saw next to Barry yesterday looked like one of Hugo’s men.

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