“The real story was that in order to put the puzzle of intelligence together that led us to Bin Laden, there were a lot of pieces out there that were a part of that puzzle. Yes, some of it came from some of the tactics that were used at that time”
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As far as I’m concerned Osama died more than a decade ago and this latest “assassination” is nothing but a trick to get votes. Discussing the methods that were used to get the info leading to his so-called assassination hides what is the most important argument:
Pics or it didn’t happen!
I do not find it very plausible that they would have killed the most hated man on earth, then dumped his body quietly into the sea and are now refusing to release any photos of him out of something called “respect”?
Third possibility: Why, oh why would you eliminate your number one intelligence asset? If everyone thinks he is dead, there will be no rescue, and you can waterboard him endlessly without those pesky reporters and ACLU popping up.
Good point.
Just think of all the diabolical plots we would uncover if we waterboarded this administration.
Actually, there have been several top military officials state we knew where OBL was for more than a year before he was supposedly taken out. Obungo refused to authorize it, according to them.
He’s either been dead 10 years, or he’s sipping a Mai Tai in Bora Bora. The only thing we can be certain of is that we’re not getting the real story.
Torturing foreigners is just a very small step from torturing your own citizens. Especially when they cannot defend themselves. And like Waco, governments burn the evidence afterwards.
Al Qaeda is nowhere near as dangerous as climate skeptics, who threaten the entire planet.