Record Ice Cover At The Fastest Warming Place On Earth

ScreenHunter_180 Feb. 20 15.12

For the first time researchers compared the effects of global warming in Arctic and Antarctic food chains.

Arctic and Antarctic Poles are two of the regions where the effects of climate change are more intensely observed in the planet. While for the rest of the world an average increase in mean annual temperature of 0.5°C (32.9ºF) since 1950 has been recorded, for the Arctic and Antarctic Peninsula, an increase of about 1.5ºC (34.70°F) has been recorded.

More global warming effects (Science Alert)

Nothing new about this – global warming rent seekers make up bullshit all the time.

ScreenHunter_180 Feb. 20 15.16

S_daily_extent.png (420×500)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Record Ice Cover At The Fastest Warming Place On Earth

  1. Dave N says:

    “While for the rest of the world an average increase in mean annual temperature of 0.5°C (32.9ºF) since 1950 has been recorded, for the Arctic and Antarctic Peninsula, an increase of about 1.5ºC (34.70°F) has been recorded”

    Not much warming right now in the Arctic:

  2. Robertv says:

    Researchers have discovered a stunning new process that takes the energy from coal without burning it — and removes virtually all of the pollution.

    Read more:

  3. Andy DC says:

    Every idiot knows that warmth causes more snow, except during the times it causes less snow. More snow but less frequent snow. Or is it less snow but more frequent snow? Whatever!

  4. Note “Antarctic peninsula” and not Antarctica. Its a bit like saying Greenland has been affected by global warming but the rest of the North hasn’t.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    If global warmistas want to make a REAL difference to the environment, how about they use just a tiny amount of their fraudulent grant money and stop (or buy) the Japanese whaling fleet, scrap it and REALLY save the Southern Ocean whales from being blown up by explosive harpoons.

    The political climatologists (Hansen, Mann et al) don’t care about the living environment. If they did, they wouldn’t be hanging around Washington. They’d be on the Sea Shepherd. All they care about is “hot air” and political machinations. Gutless wonders!

  6. kbray in california says:

    The Arctic Temps are plunging almost off the chart towards absolute zero:

    You would pray you had enough fossil fuel if you lived there.

  7. Mike Mellor says:

    Hi, I’m not arguing with you guys, I’d just like to hear your comments on the population crashes of neckstrap and jackass penguins. I believe there is a genuine link between West Antarctica warming and 90% population reduction.

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