Red Counties Produce Our Food And Energy : Blue Counties Produce Our Mass Murderers And Taxes

ScreenHunter_18 Feb. 22 07.36

Almost all of the murders in Colorado happen in blue counties. The rest of the state has extremely low crime rates. Denver Democrats are determined to export their problems to the rest of the state, and are being pushed by the White House to do that. Having everyone equally miserable is what social justice is all about.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Red Counties Produce Our Food And Energy : Blue Counties Produce Our Mass Murderers And Taxes

  1. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    Looks a lot like the map of Red/Blue voting by counties in the last election.

  2. Sparks says:

    I should have been a politician for the money, but, I became an honest engineer who likes to study science. Politics is all about popular lies and the useless deceitful people it employes. In the UK I’ve been following the unemployment situation there, because I understand it, every time I hear a politicians mouth flapping on the subject, I take a note and checkup on what they say, not once have I ever heard any politician construct a coherent sentience on the issue, they either blame the current coalition or the last government and demonize the unemployed electorate, very few avoid talking facts and figures. There will always be unemployed people, a billion pounds was spent on a scheme to reduce Unemployment since 2011 the civil service got fat and received more powers and funding, one person that I know of gave themselves a fat 8 million pound bonus with tax payers money and the whole scheme was and is a complete failure, in fact, statistically it has been said that 5% of unemployed would have found themselves a job naturally over the same period without this scheme, but even with a billion pounds of tax payers money thrown at this scheme only 3% found employment and depending on the statistical age group brackets they put people in, this is their best result, there are 0% for other age groups. Lies, scumbags and lies. What is the point in having a huge wasteful civil-service who’s only job is to be an administrator of unemployed people who are highly educated and live in a rich developed part of the world. A billion pound worth of clueless box tickers, pen pushers and paper shufflers wouldn’t be a patch on the backside of any of the unemployed engineers I know.

  3. genomega1 says:

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    Red Counties Produce Our Food And Energy : Blue Counties Produce Our Mass Murderers And Taxes

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