Republican Politicians Unwilling To Defend The Constitution

Republican politicians are missing from the debate.

The debate is an influence battle between President Barack Obama’s Democrats and Wayne LaPierre’s NRA. Of the top 25 stakeholders in the debate, there is only 1 prominent Republican politician (Chris Christie – who is pro-gun control).

NRA Winning the Influence Battle Over Gun Control – Forbes

Why doesn’t Obama ever talk about taking illegal guns away from criminals? His focus is 100% on taking away the second amendment rights of honest citizens.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Republican Politicians Unwilling To Defend The Constitution

  1. The constitution places a limitation on the power of government and that is why both Democrats and Republicans want to get rid of it. That way, they believe, they can have unlimited power to make things “right” according to their view of the world. Watch out when they agree on what “right” is.

    The little piffle of we makers neither liking nor long willing to cooperate with the takers, looters, and moochers is ignored by them. We don’t really count. That is until we stop making. Then the takers, looters, and moochers will have nothing to take, loot, or mooch. THIS is the meaning of the statement that socialism works until it has consumed all of other people’s money. We are “interestingly” close to that point especially since the federal, most state, and many local governments are on the far side of bankruptcy. Soon, we will no longer be able to make because all of our capital resources will have been consumed.

    The takers, looters, and moochers will try to make out that it is our fault that we didn’t continue to sacrifice ourselves to their whims. However, it is OUR lives that they demand to be sacrificed. The only honorable answer to that demand is “Hell NO! My life is MINE by prior right and none of it nor its product is yours to take for any reason whatsoever.”

    Their only hope is that we don’t discover that we don’t need them for anything but they need us for everything. I say, let them meet reality face front, spread eagle, without seat belts, air bags, or safety nets. They have earned it and THAT is the only thing they have earned in their entire parasitical lives.

  2. Jason Calley says:

    “Why doesn’t Obama ever talk about taking illegal guns away from criminals? ”

    Because he does not want a law that will disarm himself and his buddies.

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