Robert Kennedy Jr. Explains The Relationship Of Snow To Global Warming

Robert Kennedy Jr. is most famous for his ex-wife hanging “herself” during a custody battle with him. But he also explained to us that the East Coast used to get very heavy snow during the 1960s, and that global warming had made snow a thing of the past.

Now that the east coast is again getting very heavy snow, it is also due to global warming.

Mary Jo Kopechne killed herself, as did Marilyn Monroe. And Patricia Bowman raped herself. Camelot, you know.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Robert Kennedy Jr. Explains The Relationship Of Snow To Global Warming

  1. miked1947 says:

    It Is a Kennedy thing! Stuff Happens for mysterious reasons!!!! 🙂

  2. Lance says:

    ya, that idiot shows up in Banff/area every year pushing his ‘save the earth’….please keep him home!!!

  3. Andy DC says:

    Washington, DC had a ten year period from 1957-1967 where they averaged approximately twice their “normal” snowfall. So anyone growing up during those years, myself included, has a misleading impression that DC is quite a snowy place. Those years also had double the snowfall of the years 1801-1809 when Thomas Jefferson was President.

    This demonstrates how anecdotal evidence (winters were much worse when we were kids) can often be misleading.

  4. Don Surber says:

    I don’t know why you chose to slam RFK Jr.personbally like that. You should apologize. It makes outr job harder to counter the global warming alarmists.

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