September Arctic Ice Extent Affects Us How?

A favorite alarmist obsession is September Arctic sea ice area.

During that month, the sun is very low in the sky in the Arctic, so the ice extent has almost no effect on the Earth’s SW radiative balance. Excess open water does allow more LW radiation to escape, which should make alarmists happy.

The high priests of AGW have decreed that vast amounts of ice during the rest of the year aren’t important.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to September Arctic Ice Extent Affects Us How?

  1. Justa Joe says:

    The reason that the warmists emphasis arctic sea ice extent is because they feel it is a very demonstrable example of something actually happening that would convince the average rube that global warming is happening. Apparently the average person believes that the artctic remains static and doesn’t change for 100’s of millions of years absent mankind’s influence.

    John McCain stated that the arctic ice “loss” is what convinced him to believe in AGW so you see why the warmists would seize upon this as agitprop. For propaganda to be effective it must be simple.

    • squid2112 says:

      “The impact on the ice was immediately obvious, but the question was whether the ice that went away during the storm would have melted anyway because it was thin to begin with.”

      AHAHAHA… ROFLMAO … just can’t make this crap up anymore..

      Thanks for the link Brad! .. Great read!

  2. Jimmy Haigh says:

    I’m sure that, during the Ice Ages, September was when they all went to Brighton! Don’t you know?

  3. Ben says:

    RE: Excess open water does allow more LW radiation to escape, which should make alarmists happy.

    Not only that, the heat of fusion to recreate 630,000 km^3 of ice releases 2.1 x 10^20 kJ of energy in the dead of winter. All that LW ends up in outer space.

    In summer, all that ice reabsorbs that energy to melt.

    Nature’s climate flywheel.

  4. Robertv says:

    Bremerhaven, 24 January 2012. An international team of researchers has succeeded for the first time in completely reconstructing the layer of the Greenland ice sheet from the Eemian interglacial (130 000 to 115 000 years ago)
    The surprising conclusion of this study appears today in the scientific journal Nature: with air temperatures which were up to eight degrees Celsius higher than in the 21st century, the ice masses shrank far less than presumed compared to today. Consequently, the Greenland ice sheet also had a far smaller share in the rise in sea level at that time than has so far been assumed. If the current temperature rise in Greenland continues, the reactions of the ice sheet during the course of the Eemian interglacial may be seen as a possible future scenario for the ice masses of the island.,sourcePageId=8240.html

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