Settled Science

NASA’s 2006 solar forecast

Dec. 21, 2006: Evidence is mounting: the next solar cycle is going to be a big one.

ScreenHunter_66 Feb. 05 06.42

Scientists Predict Big Solar Cycle – NASA Science

NASA’s 2013 solar forecast.

Solar Cycle Prediction

(Updated 2013/02/01)

The current predicted and observed size makes this the smallest sunspot cycle since Cycle 14 which had a maximum of 64.2 in February of 1906

ScreenHunter_67 Feb. 05 06.44

NASA/Marshall Solar Physics

The image below overlays their current forecast on their 2006 forecast.

ScreenHunter_68 Feb. 05 06.51

These numbers are critical for forecasting climate, and NASA has absolutely no ability to forecast them.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Settled Science

  1. Glacierman says:

    Just give it a few years and Hansen adjustments and their predictions will look very skillful indeed.

  2. Ben says:

    It is imaginary settled science

  3. sunsettommy says:

    The difference is that Hathaway never tries to hide his erroneous forecasts and make adjustments to paper over them.He has several times make a new forcast that downgrades it and post it.That is why I still can respect him despite his failures.

  4. gator69 says:

    Maybe it would help if they just went back and adjusted older cycles downward, and made up some crap about aerosols and TOBS.

  5. Andy OZ says:

    “Scientists Predict…..”
    this phrase is fast becoming the common precursor of rubbish science, political lies and deceit.
    It’s a shame that science is hijacked in this way.

    “Cross correlating sunspot number vs. IHV, they found that the IHV predicts the amplitude of the solar cycle 6-plus years in advance with a 94% correlation coefficient.”

    Nature vs Atmospheric physicists : 1-0
    How about double or nothing Hathaway?

  6. I don’t think Hathaway predicts anymore. He got it wrong and now he admits he just curve fits. So you can’t really be hard on him. He is not pretending that his past predictions had ‘skill’.

  7. Billy Liar says:

    These numbers are critical for forecasting climate, and NASA has absolutely no ability to forecast them.

    I thought Gavin and Co denied that the sun has any influence on climate. The control knob is CO2 (according to them).

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