Someone At The EPA Didn’t Get The Memo

ScreenHunter_105 Feb. 20 06.30

Eco-Terrorist and NASA chief scientist James Hansen, says that heat waves almost never used to happen – because the dice weren’t loaded.

These heat waves used to be exceedingly rare, the team noted

Heat Waves “Almost Certainly” Due to Global Warming?

Hansen forgot to send the memo to the EPA and NOAA, who think that heat waves used to be much worse.

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President Obama says that the science is settled, and that he is planning to end US democracy – based on Hansen’s claims.

Hansen needs to improve his communication, and let other government agencies know that he has deleted the heat of the 1930s from the historical record.

In unrelated news, president Obama started his political career at the home of 1960s terrorist Bill Ayers, and has promised to “fundamentally transform” America.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Someone At The EPA Didn’t Get The Memo

  1. gator69 says:

    They are increasing the volume because they know budget cuts are coming.

    “Being on the UCAR Board of Trustees has given me valuable
    insights into the operations of UCAR and NCAR. I am a great
    believer in the importance of UCAR and NCAR to the science
    community and to our nation; therefore it is a great honor to
    be considered again for membership on the BoT. I am most
    interested in continuing to use my experience and capabilities
    to represent the member universities in the oversight and
    furthering the excellence of UCAR and NCAR.
    UCAR is faced with many special challenges, in part because
    of there being a new UCAR President, and because of the
    increasing concerns about the government’s science budget.”
    -UCAR Trustee Candidate Don Wuebbles

    Panic and raise taxes!

    Do tell Don.

  2. Ben says:


    There are not enough climate scientists at Southeast Farm Press

    2012 year’s crop showed a year-over-year improvement in average test weight, protein levels, and density, as well as lower moisture and BCFM than the 2011 crop.

    Despite the drought, the yield was 8th highest in history, and the highest ever for a drought year.

    So sick of the distortions. 2012 was one of the best years ever for agriculture

  3. Ben says:

    360 bushels per acre coming to a farm near you. (Its already happened)

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