Super Secret Right Wing Conspiracy Donors

Suzanne Goldenberg reports that super-secret donors are giving vast amounts of money to us climate skeptics. This money is so secret, that even us skeptics don’t know about it.

While the secretive Donors Trust has given millions to a variety of right-wing causes, denying climate change appears to be its top priority. An analysis by the environmentalist group Greenpeace reveals Donors Trust has funneled more than one-third of its donations — at least $146 million — to more than 100 climate change denial groups over the past decade. In 2010, 12 of these groups received between 30 to 70 percent of their funding from Donors Trust. We’re joined by Suzanne Goldenberg, U.S. environment correspondent for The Guardian, who has written a series of articles detailing the ties between Donors Trust and opponents of climate change science. “The goal here is to create this illusion, this idea that there is a really strong movement against the science of climate change and against action on climate change,” Goldenberg says

The ATM for Climate Denial: Secretive Donors Trust Funds Vast Network of Global Warming Skeptics

I wonder what it is like being a leftie, and living in a nonstop world of paranoia, fantasy and irrational psychosis.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Super Secret Right Wing Conspiracy Donors

  1. ralphcramdo says:

    Has there EVER been a climate change denier protest of any kind, anywhere? Are there ANY climate change denier organizations?

  2. And the mastermind behind it all is of course Goldstein.

  3. Jason Calley says:

    James Hansen discusses the climate denial conspiracy

  4. gator69 says:

    I sure wish she would list those climate denial groups, I have never seen one.

  5. John Bogen, M.D. says:

    WTF is Donors Trust?

    • Google search “Donors Trust” combined with the words “secret” “hidden”, etc and you see multiple hits for folks regurgitating another variation of the story at the UK Independent, but then the next small pile dates to around the time when the PBS Frontline “Climate of Doubt” program mentioned it back in late October. A Greenpeace page in particular comes up, which naturally links to Desmogblog.

      Here’s the critical Desmog / Donors Trust connection: John Mashey is a ‘researcher’ at Desmog, and he confesses at his #3 point in this Tamino blog comment that he was working directly with the PBS Frontline folks about the Donors Trust angle. And as folks who follow my writings might remember, I’ve described how Desmog was formed around the writings of anti-skeptic book author Ross Gelbspan, a guy I term the ‘epicenter’ of the smear of skeptic climate scientists. Remember, the “corrupt industry funding” is the last and only line of defense our AGW friends have as a reason to give the public for ignoring what skeptic scientists say. Wipe out that reason, and the whole AGW phenomenon ends up looking like a ponzi scheme kept alive by false science reports and character assassination of its critics.

  6. Google search “Donors Trust” combined with the words “secret” “hidden”, etc and you see multiple hits for folks regurgitating another variation of the story at the UK Independent , but then the next small pile dates to around the time when the PBS Frontline “Climate of Doubt” program mentioned it back in late October. A Greenpeace page in particular comes up, which naturally links to Desmogblog.

    Here’s the critical Desmog / Donors Trust connection: John Mashey is a ‘researcher’ at Desmog, and he confesses at his #3 point in this Tamino blog comment that he was working directly with the PBS Frontline folks about the Donors Trust angle.

    And as folks who follow my writings might remember, I’ve described how Desmog was formed around the writings of anti-skeptic book author Ross Gelbspan, a guy I term the ‘epicenter’ of the smear of skeptic climate scientists.

    Remember, the “corrupt industry funding” is the last and only line of defense our AGW friends have as a reason to give the public for ignoring what skeptic scientists say. Wipe out that reason, and the whole AGW phenomenon ends up looking like a ponzi scheme kept alive by false science reports and character assassination of its critics.

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