It would seem approving Keystone XL would be a no-brainer. Thousands of middle-class jobs created, millions of barrels of oil from our North American ally and neighbor, and not a dime of taxpayer money spent. But for some reason, the president has still not found a way to say “yes” to this important middle class jobs and energy project. It has now been over four years, over 1,620 days, since TransCanada first applied to the State Department to build the Keystone XL pipeline and bring jobs and energy security to America. It is well past time to build the Keystone XL pipeline.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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And don’t forget that Fred’s niece is KATE UPTON!!! YEAH!!
Government used to build things…now all our government can do is destroy things…
Yes, it would be nice if our province could export our ‘dirty oil’, but Kerry is still sitting on his duff….however, the Chinese just bought majority? interest in Nexen and have big interests in the Oil Sands….so the northern gateway will see some pressure to get built….and then the USA gov’t will be jumping on the band wagon….
Keystone is for Canadian Oil. They are drilling it. The pipeline is not going to make them drill more or less. It will only determine where they ship it to. The Eco Whackos are trying to stop what? not the oil. It is coming out. Only the jobs.
Don’t forget the ‘carbon footprint’ added when this oil must be shipped, or the increased chances of spillage. Refusing the pipeline, and sending this oil to China, will do more harm to the environment than simply accepting the pipeline and the economic benefits that come with it.
Your argument assumes that the oil is automatically going to North American consumers and that it can’t be shipped to Europe, Latin America, or China after being refined. You also assume that an alternate pipeline through Alberta and BC is a sure bet if KXL is shot down, which it isn’t.
The KXL pipeline project is also anti-property rights, since the company is trying to force people who don’t want to give them access off their land by way of eminent domain proceedings. Eminent domain was originally intended for public projects, but since Kelo vs. London, the way has been cleared for corporations to seize land for their own private use.
Slight correction: Kelo did not give corporations the right to seize land. It said that governments can condemn land under eminent domain and then sell it to private concerns.
Another correction.
I am not assuming a thing. I know that if we do not accept the pipeline ALL of the oil MUST be shipped overseas, to and by China. We know how very environmentally minded THEY are.
Gina, think for yourself before you type.