Too Late! The Tipping Point Passed Thirteen Years Ago

ScreenHunter_61 Feb. 23 19.14

Mercury News: Search Results

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Too Late! The Tipping Point Passed Thirteen Years Ago

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Maybe they got another 13 year extension to solve the word climate crisis. Because the sea level is just the same as it was back in 1989. Or 1969 for that matter.
    And Steven, here’s a blog post which chronologically lists newspaper reports on the climate since 1895. I thought it might be a source of ideas for searches for you to do, though I can’t rule out that the author didn’t get most of his material from you:

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Mr Brown should consider returning the pension and salary he received from the UNEP on the basis of performance objective failure. He should have taken lessons from more accurate futurists like Ehrlich and Hansen.
    : )

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