Warming In Alaska Indicated By Strong Cooling Trend And Heavy Or Light Snow

Blake Freking, a musher who trains Siberian huskies on the north shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota, said he planned to compete in the Beargrease race in January. “With global warming, it’s hard to deny that there are some big changes going on right now,” he said. “We’re in it. It isn’t looking good.”

Last winter had record snow in Alaska.

During last year’s snow season, defined as July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012, Anchorage had 134.5 inches of snow, according to Jake Crouch, a climate scientist with the National Climatic Data Center. This season’s tally in Anchorage was 39.2 inches, through Wednesday. North of Fairbanks, another area where mushers train, snowpack is 21 percent of average.

“This is a pretty big deal,” said Crouch, who is among the climate experts who attribute the conditions to global warming. He said climate change had resulted in warmer temperatures for Alaska over the last century.

Warm Weather Forces Changes Ahead of Iditarod Race – NYTimes.com

NCDC knows that Alaska is warming, because they are cooling at a rate of 24 to 45 degrees per century.

In the first decade since 2000, the state has cooled an average of 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit, the online newspaper Alaska Dispatch reported.

That’s a “large value for a decade,” the Alaska Climate Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks said in a report published in the Atmospheric Science Journal.

Cooling temperatures have been recorded at 19 of the 20 National Weather Service stations spread throughout Alaska, the report said.

Parts of Western Alaska saw temperatures drop a significant 4.5 degrees for the decade, it said.

As globe warms, Alaska is cooling down

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Warming In Alaska Indicated By Strong Cooling Trend And Heavy Or Light Snow

  1. kirkmyers says:

    AGW alarmism is fast approaching the theater of the absurd. Why any rational adult continues to take the scientist scaremongers seriously is either a sign of senility or of gullibility. The climastrologists, oops scientists, have lost what little credibility they once used to advance their childish fairy tales in a crude and cruel attempt to bamboozle an unsuspecting public. The facts on the ground and in the atmosphere have thoroughly discredited their bogus “global warming” theory. Yet they continue to shout and scream about the approaching horrors of a non-existent global meltdown. Should they be medicated, arrested and jailed, or just have their mouths washed out with soap?

    • miked1947 says:

      Climate is not the only area where so called “Experts” are attempting to scare the gullible into giving them money to preform “Miracles” to save the world from a fantasy “Catastrophe”. It just happens to be the one currently getting the most press.

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