Washington Post : Obama Controls The Climate

ScreenHunter_165 Feb. 26 06.27

Eugene Robinson: Obama has the power to act on global warming – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Washington Post : Obama Controls The Climate

  1. kbray in california says:

    “Obama can — and should — take us many miles down the road with a stroke of his pen.”

    Obama controls the climate by stroking his pen.
    That’s one mighty powerful pen !

    Robinson is a moron.

    • miked1947 says:

      All the way to a depression greater than the last one! We are already fast tracked for that, but Skeeter can speed things up with the Magic Pen he is stroking.

  2. gator69 says:

    Opinions are like a55holes…

    “These startling conclusions have been drawn by Dr Barrie Colvin, a scientist who has spent the past five years analysing the knocks, raps and bangs produced by poltergeists. Dr Colvin used some of the most advanced acoustic technology available to ‘fingerprint’ the ghostly sounds. He has discovered that they are fundamentally different to the normal sounds produced by people, animals, or indeed anything in our physical world. They are, for the want of a better term, ‘ghostly’.”


    “advanced technology”…

    “Dr” Colvin…

    Sound familiar?

    If Mr Robinson wants to voice his “opinion”, that’s fine, but why anyone would care is beyond me.

  3. Ivan says:

    Shouldn’t he be wearing his head-dress and have the bone in his nose if he is going to make statements like that? At least then we’d be able to take him seriously.

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