Daily Archives: April 9, 2013

Shock News : Buenos Aires Has Had Big Rainstorms In The Past

Scientific American says that heavy rain in Buenos Aires proves global warming. GREAT STORM AT BUENOS AYRES. [From the Buenos Ayres Standard, March 11th 1870.] The rainfall was the most dreadful ever known; the algibes were soon filled, and then  the … Continue reading

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Mindless Sheep Being Led To Slaughter

These are the people who keep electing Feinstein and Obama. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2diNojgJF9c]

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Buenos Aires Is The New Canary In The Coal Mine

The climate canary has flown his coop again. He used to live in Alaska then Moscow then Washington DC, but has now moved to Buenos Aires for a day. Deluge in Buenos Aires Could Be Sign of Rainfall to Come: … Continue reading

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Arctic In Collapse : Only 260,000 Manhattans Of Ice Remain

sea_ice_only.jpg (1112×806) Each Polar Bear only has nine Manhattans of ice to themselves.

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Shock News : Obama Is A Liar

June 2011: “The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. April 2013 : Team Obama also cannot help indulging in a spot of optimism on that other big issue that once divided Washington: gay marriage. Obama hopes … Continue reading

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Fox News’ Gun Obsession

Fox News loves to put pictures of dozens of scary guns on their main page. Why don’t they use  a picture of Thomas Jefferson or the Bill of Rights up instead? The level of discourse about the Bill of Rights … Continue reading

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CNN Poll : 38% Of Americans Admit That They Are Complete Morons. 51% Admit That Their IQ Is Severely Deficient

A new CNN/ORC International poll found President Obama’s overall approval rating has ticked up to 51 on the deficit, 38 percent approve of his handling of the issue Poll: Obama underwater on guns, immigration, deficit – POLITICO.com

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BP : Sustainable Energy Not Sustainable

“BP has decided to market for sale our U.S. wind energy business as part of a continuing effort to become a more focused oil and gas company and re-position the company for sustainable growth into the future BP to Sell … Continue reading

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Cozying Up In The Love Seat


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Quiz : Who Said This?

Who said this at the 2nd World Climate Conference? In recent years, we have been playing with the conditions of the life we know on the surface of our planet. We have cared too little for our seas, our forests and … Continue reading

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