1635 Hurricane Brought A 21 Foot Storm Surge And 130 MPH Winds

The winds whipped up to 130 mph, snapping pine trees like pick-up sticks and blowing houses into oblivion. A surge of water, 21 feet high at its crest, engulfing victims as they desperately scurried for higher ground.

The merciless storm, pounding the coast for hours with torrential sheets of rain, was like nothing ever seen before. One observer predicted the damage would linger for decades.

This wasn’t New Orleans in August 2005. This was New England in August 1635

Blast from the past; first hurricane hit Pilgrims in 1635 – USATODAY.com

Bloomberg says that Sandy’s 70 MPH winds and 13 foot storm surge are proof of global warming.  He also says that the Bill of Rights needs to be replaced by whatever lame-brained thoughts happen to pop into his head.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1635 Hurricane Brought A 21 Foot Storm Surge And 130 MPH Winds

  1. Norm says:

    And in 1821 a hurricane hit Manhattan at low tide. Lower Manhattan was underwater up to Canal Street.

    • Marian says:

      Just remember.

      Non of those historic weather/climate related natural disasters pre 20th century or even early 20th century don’t count. Despite many of them having a far greater loss of life, etc than a number of equivelent modern events
      They were all just figments of the imagination of those who wrote them down because CO2 levels were 350ppm or less and couldn’t have possibly cause all those historic weather/climate related disaters. :-).

  2. gator69 says:

    Another interesting note in history, 60 years ago today…

    “Today is the 60th anniversary of the first documented case of a tornado detected by radar. Water Survey staff, at Willard Airport in Champaign, IL, captured the historic event on film on April 9, 1953. This discovery helped lead to the first national weather radar network in the United States.

    The radar was located at Willard Airport, south of Champaign IL, and was being used along with a rain gauge network to relate radar signals with rain rates. Don Staggs, the radar technician, had stayed late to complete repairs on the radar. While testing the repairs, he noticed an interesting radar return and began recording the radar scope using the mounted 35 mm camera. As a result, he captured a well-defined hook echo on film. The hook echo is the now classic radar signature of a tornado embedded in a thunderstorm. The “hook” is caused by either rain or debris being wrapped up in the tornado circulation. Afterwords, researchers related this radar information to damage and photos along the tornado’s path.”


  3. Andy DC says:

    That was even before my time!

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