A Well Armed Family Is A Safe Family

Obama is in Colorado today on his 2nd Amendment destruction tour. Meanwhile, responsible people in Colorado are protecting themselves from other criminals.

DENVER – An intruder who forced his way into the mountain home of a Colorado deputy district attorney was shot dead by either the prosecutor or her police officer husband, authorities said on Tuesday.

A spokeswoman for one of the agencies investigating the incident told Reuters that the prosecutor and her husband, himself a sheriff’s deputy, both fired at the intruder, but it is too early in the probe to know who fired the fatal shot.

Intruder killed while breaking into Colorado prosecutor’s home – U.S. News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to A Well Armed Family Is A Safe Family

  1. GeologyJim says:

    Let’s hear it for people who still know that their personal safety cannot depend on police response times.

    If you want it done right, you’re gonna have to do it yourself!

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    So, are the guns they used going to be illegal under Colorado’s new law?

  3. gator69 says:

    He better hope it was his shot and not hers. If not, he will never have any peace, as he will never hear the end of it at work or at home.

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