Odds are that most of Obama’s paramilitary would not qualify for gun ownership under the background check laws Obama is proposing.
He just gave 1.6 billion bullets to a bunch of potential psychos.
Odds are that most of Obama’s paramilitary would not qualify for gun ownership under the background check laws Obama is proposing.
He just gave 1.6 billion bullets to a bunch of potential psychos.
Great spelling too:
“dipicting,” “childred,” “highligting”
Now they’re getting serious:
The DHS is ordering BAGPIPES – maybe they found that they work better than the Slim Whitman CD’s.
I’m not really seeing the value of these targets. Any woman confronting Federal or State polezie isn’t going to be doing it on a playground with her child in hand.
I’d love to see polling on what percentage of gang members, and violent felons voted for Skeeter. And how many times.
MIB – “What is a little girl doing with a physics book in Harlem?”